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Uber contributor

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:16 PM

I've been to the Cat cafe @j95! It's great! Pro tip, don't go during school holidays, the cats are super bored of human company 😛 

Butterfly Wings
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:20 PM

@Mona-RO Sounds amazing and an great option if you're pet-less! These should be established around the country I reckon! 😛


@Ben-RO haha - that story about the goats sounds so awesome! I bet you both got so much out of that!

Yeah...I can imagine the cats would be sick of all the kids! And adults too probably!

Uber contributor

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:19 PM

Next time I go to Melbourne I'm so going to the cat cafe!
Trying to make my misery
just a piece of my history
A little less victim a little more victory
-Icon for Hire
Uber contributor

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:20 PM

You'll love it @redhead!

 If only there was a Sheep cafe

Butterfly Wings
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:21 PM

A sheep cafe would be great too! 😄

Uber contributor

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:18 PM

I probably would be too! @Ben-RO
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:14 PM

@Mona-RO ahh Cat Cafe - how could I forget?!

Star contributor

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:12 PM

What can people do if they can't have a pet?


So many awesome answers to this question! YouTube, going to dog parks/dog beaches, going to friends' houses that have pets, even going to the zoo!


@j95 volunteering at an animal shelter is a wonderful idea Smiley Happy you get to interact with cute animals AND give back to the community a bit - both wins!


No worries @Stealth_ninja - thanks for joining us! Hope you get some good sleep - well deserved by the sounds. Heart

Uber contributor

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:05 PM

What can people do if they can't have a pet?

I'm very lucky that although I'm in a rental property, I can still have dogs!
I know that my dog social group I just joined welcomes those who don't have dogs but just want to hang out with new people and some furbabies, so that's a suggestion! Also volunteering at the pound or shelter so you can still hang out with animals and look after them but just not take any of them home.
Also offer to pet sit while people go away! or even just offer to walk their dog for them once a week or something
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:04 PM

@j95aww poor thing - I bet Bailee will be so excited when you get home though!


@Mona-RO or running in the park? Missy's paws twitch when she dreams sometimes and we like to think she's thinking of chasing other dogs in the park

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:06 PM

Hey guys I dont think Im going to last the rest of the chat. Really sorry, im so tired been up since 4:30am. Really need the pillow. This conversation has made me really happy and I had an extra cuddle with my dog, I hope the rest of you are as well. As for the quesiton about what to do when you can't have a pet - invade dog parks, hang out with your friends dogs and also my dog is available for cuddle appointments if you need 😛 haha 


Really loved this chat and i hope that all of you have a good night and some lovely sleep. Chat soon.


originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:08 PM

@Stealth_ninja take care sleep well

Trying to make my misery
just a piece of my history
A little less victim a little more victory
-Icon for Hire

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:06 PM

@khaleesi_18 Maggie's little feet do the same thing when she's sleeping! I bet they're chasing other dogs or something.


And Maggie has just made an appearance. I'm eating tea and she's come to make sure I haven't dropped anything!  haha 😛

Uber contributor

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:02 PM

Me dogs probably just dream about me, ham and the park @Mona-RO
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:03 PM

All good things to dream about @j95 and you make their dreams come true 😉

Uber contributor

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:06 PM

What can people do if they can't have a pet?

When I lived near a dog park I used to go waking near there and if a dog happened to run up to me that was all good. 

And YouTube, always new cat videos to be watched and laughed at. 

Trying to make my misery
just a piece of my history
A little less victim a little more victory
-Icon for Hire
Uber contributor

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:07 PM

The RSPCA is pretty awesome although it can take a little while before you get to hang out with the dogs all the time !


You can inquire about volunteering here

Butterfly Wings
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:10 PM

@Ben-RO I was just going to suggest the RSCPA or an animal shelter. They always need help somehow so not only are you helping a good cause, you're getting some dose of animal awesomeness 🙂


@Stealth_ninja Hope you sleep well. Enjoy cuddles too!


originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:14 PM

@Butterfly Wings i used to support a person living with an intellectual disability to volunteer at the RSPCA, one of our jobs was called "welcome mats" 

Basically we had a big pile of welcome mats and we had to rub them on the goats that were at the RPCA (which the goats loved) 

Then we gave the now smelly welcome mats to the dogs, and the dogs were SO happy, they'd spend like a whole hour rolling around on the mats 😛 


It was weird, but also really fun and awesome 🙂 

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:13 PM

@Mona-RO Wait...just hang on a minute?! Melbourne has an actual and stuff! Awesome! Wish I wasn't in WA haha!

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:16 PM

Yes @Butterfly Wings there's actually a place like that. I haven't been there yet but it's so good to know that option exists 😄


@khaleesi_18 have you been there?

Star contributor

originally posted on 15-08-2016 8:54 PM

@Ben-RO @Mona-RO pets can be awesome helpers with mindfulness! It's hard to focus on your thoughts when there's a schnauzer trying to steal the socks from your feet

originally posted on 15-08-2016 8:58 PM

@khaleesi_18 So useful with mindfulness and living in the present, here and now sort of thing. I think that's very much our animals and pets are...they live in the here and now and for food too of course! 😛

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:02 PM

So, what can you do if you can't own a pet right now? How do you get a fix? 


What can people do if they can't have a pet?

Star contributor

originally posted on 15-08-2016 9:08 PM

What can people do if they don't have pets?


  1. They can hang out with their friend's or neighbour's pets.
  2. They can offer to petsit when owners are away.
  3. They can volunteer at an animal shelter.
  4. They can go to places like this Cat Cafe in Melbourne and get their fix.