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[CHAT] Holiday boredom. It's a thing??
We’ve all experienced it at some point in our school lives. We get on the home stretch for the year and absolutely crave being on holidays. Next thing we know, we’ve been on holidays for five weeks and have achieved absolutely nothing. Sound familiar? Yep, thought so. You’re experiencing holiday boredom!
It’s understandable too. The summer holidays are really long. For years 11s, 12s and uni students, holidays started over a month ago. The holidays are also often spent with the people you live with working part or full time.
For me, the boredom really sets in after New Years. I work in retail, so December is always very busy and my hours triple. In about the second week of January, I notice that I tend to be a bit lazy. I wake up later than usual, I mope around watching tv, eating whatever and whenever I feel like. Sure, this can be great for a day or two, but after a while you start to think ‘I am really wasting my time.’ Because before you know it, school or uni starts again, and you feel like those three months were a missed opportunity. Don't get me wrong though - doing nothing can be a great use of time if you're purposeful and mindful about it.
I remember the end of year 6 and end of year 7 holidays were actually not good for me. I was incredibly bored and in turn felt really low. I overate, didn’t exercise and spent all day every day on the internet. I basically wasted all my time, just waiting for the next school year to start. My Dad ended up taking me on a trip to Melbourne near the end of one of the holidays, just so that I had done something during the 10 week period.
I know that myself and my friends sometimes go through phases during the long summer holidays. One summer holidays I got really into photography and editing, another I got into running and getting super fit. I think it’s really great when this happens. To actually find an interest during the holidays gives you purpose, which gives you motivation to get up and do things!
The summer holidays are a wonderful time to explore our interests and have fun, let’s not waste this precious time by being bored! Join us on December 15th from 8pm to talk about how we can combat holiday boredom, and really make the most of our free time.
Hey guys there are some links below for some tips and tricks so you don’t get too bored these holidays. Remember we decided a little bit of boredom is good J
thanks for jumping online tonight guys !
Goodnight everyone!
Alright guys, we're going to start wrapping things up now. Thanks all for participating! Here is the summary for those that missed the convo.
- What does being bored actually mean? how does it feel? how would you describe it?
- Lacking interest in doing things
- Both a physical and mental sensation
- Can negatively affect mood
- What is the difference between boredom and relaxation, how are they the same and how are they different?
- When you’re relaxed you enjoy having little to do
- We often feel energised and motivated whilst relaxed
- Whereas boredom can often really bring you down
- You choose to relax, whereas you don’t choose to be bored
- So if holidays are filled with all this done time and time off, whats so good about ‘empty’ time or time when you have nothing to do? Why might being bored be a good sign?
- Being bored gives you a break at ‘life’ when you’re stressed and busy. It can give you the time off you need.
- Gives you time to think
- Gives you time to plan for the future
- Gives you time to make LIFE CHANGING decisions
- Why don’t people like to be bored? Some people find it really hard to deal with boredom
- People don’t want to appear they aren’t doing anything
- It makes you feel like you aren’t achieving anything
- Can cause us to dwell on negative thoughts
- Lack routine and social connections
- How do you know when you’re starting to get bored? Or is it one minute you’re not bored next minute you are?
- Feeling uninterested whilst reading or watching TV
- Not having anything planned for the day
- Aimlessly searching the internet
- Losing interest in the activity you were doing
- Feeling restless/fidgety and your mind starts to wander
- How do you stop yourself from being bored in the short term like hours or a day?
- Hangout/chat with people – even if it is over social media
- Get outside – even if it’s just going for a walk around the street
- Bake/cook delicious goodness
- Use adult colouring in books – that are in no way lame
7. How do you stop yourself from being bored/ getting bored for extended periods of time like weeks or months??
- Learn a new skill or hobby
- Pick up a skill or hobby that you had stopped doing because you previously had little time to do it
- Find something that you can improve on – ie a personal best running time
- Go to free events
- Develop habits that help combat short term boredom
Set goals for yourself
8. Lets face it we all get to some pretty hilarious points in our life’s when we are bored… what is something you have done at the height of your boredom? - Mindlessly eating huge amounts of Vegemite
Making Youtube videos about painting your nails for the world to see - Organising the Christmas decorations into colour
9. Is there something new you want to try these holidays to combat your boredom?' ie a new hobby/learning a new skill, etc. - Learn how to cook new dishes
- Get into relaxation techniques/yoga
- Get better at playing musical instruments
- Learn how to play a musical instrument
Is there something new you want to try these holidays to combat your boredom?' ie a new hobby/learning a new skill, etc.
i want to get into more yoga and meditation
i did read that a guy learnt a new language over four days ... using youtube cause he was bored
i once organised the christmas decorations into colour themes !!
boredom that was
@j95 setting up the next q very nicely !!
Lets face it we all get to some pretty hilarious points in our life’s when we are bored… what is something you have done at the height of your boredom?
Haha definitely agree with you @j95!
OKAY so at the height my boredom in 2010, I decided to create a youtube channel and do a video everyday of something different that I did each day.
On day 9 I painted my toenails green (I was PRETTY bored) and showed the internet my freshly painted toenails in a 45 sec video.
I pretty quickly took it down as there are some really creepy people out there with foot fetishes.
I never posted a video every again...
sometimes i get so bored i make plans to do things like i map out where im going to go and stuff and by the time i do that I find something else to do.
we haven't really spoken about that hey... where you start bored and then find something else to do
Nice chatting to you @delicatedreamer 🙂
You would think I would be proud @EloiseRose
But no, more just creeped out... All my other videos got like 13 views each
I have like 500 videos in my 'watch later' section on youtube @Randomness
I totally get you! I hope you haven't seen my foot video...