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December 31 - New Years Eve!

Tis the last day of the year! The calendar comes to an end and we bring in a new year.

Related image


Whether you have elaborate plans to bring in the new year, such as attending a fabulous party with fireworks and lots of people...


or you're planning on chilling with friends

Related image


However, you do it it's going to happen 😛


In true RO style, we've decided to have a GR Party on the night! 

So bring your snacks and treats and join us for a light-hearted fun chat 🙂

Join us Monday 31st at 7:30PM AEDT for a New Years Eve RO Party 😛


BeePosted 27-12-2018 10:48 PM
N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 09:11 PM

@unwind it looked a little bit like this:Image result for fireworks in the alps


Not jaded at all @Asche 😛 Fireworks are a novelty, the money definitely could be better spent elsewhere but people care way too much about fancy celebrations 😛

N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 09:13 PM
Good night everyone! It's bedtime for me 🙂
BeePosted 31-12-2018 09:09 PM
@unwind no I'm not, I might try and look them up later though 😛

@N1ghtW1ng that sounds amazing! Heart
N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 09:05 PM

Thank you to everyone for coming along tonight! It was lots of fun 😄 😄 😄


@Asche @annabethxchase @unwind @litgym and of course @Bee who has done a fabulous summary and basically ran the night 😉



N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 08:52 PM

I thought I might share what I want to achieve next year. And that's actually getting help, seeing someone regularly. I keep putting it off and off and off but at the start of next year, (when everyone gets off their new year holiday break :P) I'm going to go to somewhere, and find someone I'll see regularly. 

Then I'll go from there 😛

unwindPosted 31-12-2018 08:56 PM
That's so great @N1ghtW1ng!! It's comforting to know that someone else is doing the same as me at the start of the year. I'm nervous about it now but I'm 110% sure that in the long-run it will be a great decision for both of us 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 08:58 PM
Definitely @unwind 🙂 It's something I've tried before but I think I need to stick with it for longer than I have for it to actually have an effect, and I think if I see someone new, it'll be easier to get that "fresh start" I want when seeing someone.
We'll both nail it 😉
unwindPosted 31-12-2018 08:52 PM

Next year I have the chance to throw my hat in the ring to become school captain, and I'm actually considering it. I'd have to give a speech which is a bigggggg thing (I hate speeches as much as everyone else does) but I feel like it would really boost my self-esteem at school & I'll feel more comfortable.


Another thing I would like to achieve is to become more social. I want to try make friends outside of school that I can hang out with regularly.

BeePosted 31-12-2018 08:51 PM

Thanks @N1ghtW1ng, I'm looking forward to finishing and seeing what happens from there 🙂


6. What is one (or two, no limit) thing you'd like to achieve by this time next year? 

I would like to be employed 😛

N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 08:53 PM
Something to look forward to @Bee 😄

@unwind school captain sounds like an excellent goal! So does being more social 🙂 YOU CAN DO IT! 😄 😄 😄 😄
BeePosted 31-12-2018 08:58 PM
that sounds great @unwind & @N1ghtW1ng! They sound like very doable and positive goals! 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 08:35 PM

Yay the next question! Something you're looking forward to about 2019?



Honestly I'm really not looking forward to 2019, I will have lots to do and little time to actually do it all in... oh boy, it's going to be fun

(me next year)


On the plus side, I still have a few/couple of weeks before it all implodes, so... no worries? 😛


AschePosted 31-12-2018 08:33 PM

Brooklyn 99 is coming out January 10th 😍

Oh, and Ori and the Will of the Wisps is also coming out in 2019, if I remember correctly. I played the first one a while ago, and was just blown away by the music and art design. Here's hoping the sequel lives up to the reputation!

N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 08:37 PM

Image result for how to train your dragon 3 gif

JUST LOOK AT HIM! Oh my gosh I'm so not ready.... But I'm also so excited!

(sorry for the caps! I actually forgot about it coming out in Jan and it is something I'm super excited for!)

N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 08:36 PM
YES @Asche

annabethxchasePosted 31-12-2018 07:44 PM
How did I know you'd say Kesha @litgym?
unwindPosted 31-12-2018 07:40 PM
I've been teaching my younger cousin how to swim, and he swam by himself for the first time this year! It seems like a really small thing but he had so much fear of swimming and it was nice to see him overcome that 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 07:44 PM
(the first gif is Ninjago, for those of you who are somehow still unaware of it 😛 It had another season this year so... yay!)

Thanks @litgym! I hope you have a good new years eve too 🙂 Feel free to jump in and out however much you like, no pressure to answer questions at all! 😄

@annabethxchase all pumped up! 😄 😄 (The LEGO Movie reference Cat LOL) Those are some excellent things that made you smile! Well done on managing your school marks too! We're proud of you too 🙂

@unwind oh that is a fabulous thing!! It's wonderful that you're teaching your cousin to swim, I'm glad that it's going well for the both of you 😄 😄
BeePosted 31-12-2018 07:49 PM
Absolutely jump in and out @litgym

@annabethxchase this community is amazing!

@Asche that is amazing! I love your photoshopping on that one 😛

So many good movie and new songs this year @N1ghtW1ng 😄
AschePosted 31-12-2018 07:54 PM

It wasn't photoshopped @Bee, hahahaha, which was part of what made doing it so tricky (trust me, I'd have framed it better if it were). We (or more accurately, one of my friends) basically rigged up a set of LED lights to a circuitboard with some jpgs loaded into it so it would flash colours as we walked the LEDs from one position to another - basically drawing, but with light! Incredibly vexing when it wouldn't work the way we envisioned it, but the trial and error gave us all a good excuse to spend time together and bond over the past year 🙂 

annabethxchasePosted 31-12-2018 07:37 PM
What is something that made you smile in 2018
Hmmm, The first thing would be the support I've seen day in, day out of RO's community but another thing would've been maintaining my school marks, I thought because I'd had a bad year, my grades would also suffer but they didn't and that made me proud 🙂
scared01Posted 31-12-2018 11:22 PM
aww i missed this! sorry ill have to catch up more tomorrow
BeePosted 31-12-2018 07:45 PM

so many lovely reasons why people smiled this year!! 😄


I can't pick one, but something that consistently makes me smile is you guys here! You all make me smile so much with your support for each other etc 🙂 Heart



N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 07:47 PM
@Bee awww that's a fabulous thing! Everyone on the forums is so supportive of each other, it makes me smile too 😄 😄
N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 07:51 PM

Well well well, it's already time for question two!!! 😄 😄 😄 


2. What is your favourite book or movie or song or memory from 2018? (or your favourite of all of them!)




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