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[SLOW-MO CHAT] Beauty Standards

Hello everyone!

I think in today's society that we all struggle at some point to conform to the beauty standards we see on social media, magazines, celebrities, etc. and often this is because these standards may be unrealistic. So this GR is all about discussing what are some beauty standards that we hold and how it can negatively impact us.






Come and join us for a chat about beauty standards starting on Monday 24th September with a new question each day!


Esperanza67Posted 12-09-2018 08:33 PM


litgymPosted 25-09-2018 06:10 PM

@Bee thanks for sharing that video ! it’s so powerful ❤️

BeePosted 25-09-2018 06:22 PM
it is isn't @litgym I think she may have more similar ones, but this is the one I thought of 😛
ecla34Posted 25-09-2018 06:58 PM

These are such good questions! We spend so much time and effort forcing ourselves to meet beauty standards and it's so important to figure out why!
2. Why do you think we hold these beauty standards?
I think we're taught to equate our appearances with our sense of self worth, and we try to meet beauty standards (in part) so that people will value us. It sucks, because society has an awful way of punishing people who don't meet these super unrealistic standards. Smiley Sad

annabethxchasePosted 24-09-2018 11:00 AM


1. What are some beauty standards that we hold in our community/wider society?

I think some of the most prominent ones are things like straight teeth, flawless physique etc etc. If you have a pimple - make up needs to be on, if you have don't have the perfect waist - diet. There is so much pressure to be perfect and people don't realize you can't actually be perfect. I think this will always happen, but we can change peoples view (at least a little). That probably made no senseQSmiley Very Happy


scared01Posted 24-09-2018 07:19 PM
@annabethxchase that is an amazing respose. i agree with you!

we cant seem to show off our imperfections even if we arent bothered by them ourselves. often society mkes us feel embarrassed by these imperfections like have a stretch mark, or a pimple, or maybe being a little overweight, even down to clothes being 'out-dated'

i also think another beauty standard in our communities are that when out in public we must be presented very well- for guys clean shaved, respectable clothes and shoes etc and for girls- hair, makeup, nice and 'up to date' clothing usually a dress or nice shirt with a skirt. why cant we just walk out the door in our trackeys and baggy shirts sometimes without being judged!
litgymPosted 24-09-2018 07:22 PM

@scared01 i agree with you a lot. everyone is so judgemental and has expectations.

during spring, winter and autumn when im not bothered with clothes i just wear the baggiest clothes everSmiley Tongue

scared01Posted 24-09-2018 07:23 PM
@litgym i tend to go out in baggy clothes during winter too but geez not all of us want to dress up in nice jeans and cardigans with hair and makeup done all the time.
litgymPosted 24-09-2018 07:26 PM

@scared01 yeah it’s so true. i don’t understand girls in winter who are wearing very summery clothes when it’s 10 degrees !! 

AschePosted 24-09-2018 08:24 PM
Hahaha I'm the exact inverse of the winter tank top girl; I'm the guy who refuses to wear shorts even during summer. Part of that is your everyday image issues (not gonna lie, my thesis year did a number on my physique), but honestly, regular slacks aren't even that hot.* Especially when you're spending most of the day indoors...which incidentally, is also my excuse for wearing jackets and coats all the damn time.

It's actually less unreasonable than it sounds, considering that whenever I head out of the house, I don't typically end up coming home till 8 or 9 at night, at which point things have cooled down enough for my chosen attire to not be completely insane/a heatstroke hazard.

*(Also at this point, I'm not even sure I OWN shorts. I'm sure I have a pair around somewhere, but's probably in that corner of the closet past where the light touches, and we don't go there.)
scared01Posted 25-09-2018 10:17 AM
haha @Asche your description is awesome!
lokifishPosted 25-09-2018 10:05 AM

@Asche wrote:
it's probably in that corner of the closet past where the light touches, and we don't go there.

HAHAHAHA I love this imagery! You need to write a horror story set in your closet 😂

lokifishPosted 25-09-2018 10:07 AM

So we've mentioned a few beauty standards that're ever-present in our society... now it's time to think about them a little deeper!


Why do you think we hold these beauty standards?

annabethxchasePosted 25-09-2018 10:11 AM

Why do you think we hold these beauty standards?

Hmm, that's a tricky one. I think society has created the ideal image of what we should conform to and because such a broad group of people follows them we do to. I think some cultures have standards as well. Great Question!

lokifishPosted 25-09-2018 10:03 AM

@scared01 @litgym @annabethxchase I totally feel you regarding clothes! 😞 I stopped growing when I was 12 (lol) and so I can still fit into clothes that my parents bought me 10 years ago... I've slowly gotten rid of them and updated my wardrobe, but I don't like discarding stuff (I may have a mild hoarding problem :P)


One way that I like to get around it is by visiting op shops 😄 Often there'll be stuff that's barely been worn and is still fairly current trend-wise. Bonus: it's super cheap which works great for broke uni students like me 😛

scared01Posted 25-09-2018 10:14 AM
oh dear @lokifish but i agree op shops can be really good!
scared01Posted 24-09-2018 07:38 PM
lol @litgym thats because of the standards society has on them
litgymPosted 24-09-2018 07:40 PM

unfortunately that’s true 😞 i wish we didn’t have these beauty standards and we could dress/look however we want without feeling pressured @scared01

annabethxchasePosted 24-09-2018 07:42 PM

Hey! Completely agree with you guys! It gets overwhelming with all of the pressure and how people see us.

scared01Posted 24-09-2018 07:45 PM
it sure does @annabethxchase very overwhelming esp when the updated clothes can be really expensive but you 'have' to buy it because shes wearing it or they are wearing it etc.
annabethxchasePosted 24-09-2018 07:47 PM

Totally @scared01! People feel the need to fit in and they go to great lengths for it and don't even end up that happy! 

Quotes with me: Why fit in when you were born to stand out?

annabethxchasePosted 24-09-2018 07:54 PM

This is such a great discussion! It's so great to know that there are others that feel the same way about this topic! Ahh so good!Smiley Happy

lokifishPosted 24-09-2018 02:52 PM
That makes heaps of sense @annabethxchase! 😄

I agree that there's so much pressure to be perfect... there's a lot of research coming out which shows that social media makes people feel worse about themselves. We can hide behind Instagram filters all we want, but that doesn't change what we really look like

What do other people think? 🙂
scared01Posted 24-09-2018 07:22 PM
@lokifish thats an amazing point
litgymPosted 24-09-2018 07:20 PM

1. What are some beauty standards that we hold in our community/wider society?

you have to be flawless and skinny. as a girl if you go to night party’s you are expected to wear crop tops and short denim skirts or skinny clothing like tube dresses. but unfortunately most people can’t reach those expectations, no one is perfect. 


@lokifish i agree with your point a lot

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