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Slow-mo GR: Social Media, 29th June- 5th July

Hey everyone!


This week we're going to be having a Slow-mo GR to do with Social Media! 😄


For so many of us, social media plays such a huge role in our day. We use it to connect with people (now more than ever!), to relax, to stay informed - it's a lot when you think about it! So this week we're going to be chatting about the ins and out of social media! 😄


For people who are coming across these chats for the first time, 'Getting Reals' are themed chats here on RO that provide an opportunity for us to share our different insights, experiences, and opinions with one another!  Heart
 So this week we'll be posting a question each weekday about social media! 😄 



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Would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this one! 😄 Feel free to jump in! Heart We'll be posting our first question later today! 😄



ecla34Posted 29-06-2020 10:36 AM


ecla34Posted 29-06-2020 05:48 PM

Okie doke guys! Here's the first set of questions 😄 Heart


What are some of the positives that you've experienced when using social media? What can you do on social media that can help improve your mental health?


WheresMySquishyPosted 01-07-2020 07:51 PM

What are some of the positives that you've experienced when using social media? What can you do on social media that can help improve your mental health?
Using social media has helped me to stay in touch with family. I've also made a lot of online friends, which has been really great because I don't have a lot of time to hang out with people outside of my volunteering. I feel that being a part of friendly online communities has improved my mental health and given me a sense of belonging. Some forms of social media have also taught me new skills, such as words in other languages or online courses. I also like looking at things I like on social media. For example, I watch funny videos when I need cheering up, or pictures of things I like when I need a bit of inspiration.

On the flipside, what are some of the negatives that you've experienced when using social media? How can social media negatively affect our mental health?
Most people I've encountered are nice, but I've experienced cyberbullying and rude people. Some fan communities can be really toxic as well.
I've also experienced people being inappropriate online. I've got people trying to trick me into giving them my passwords and other people trying to start a sex chat with me or get me to send sexting photos to them. Some conversations have made me really uncomfortable and I've had to block people from contacting me online.
There have also been times where I've been told of things through social media when I would have preferred that they told me in person or another way. I found out about my great-uncle's death on social media because none of my family members told me in person or called me. I've also been made redundant from a few positions via email or an online system when I felt that they could have told me in person or at least called me.
I also don't like some forms of social media which encourage comparisons between people. I don't use Instagram for this reason.

Have you ever set boundaries on your use of social media? For example, choosing not to follow certain accounts, limiting the time you are online, or not posting when you are in a negative headspace etc. How did this impact your life and wellbeing?
I don't use forms of social media where I have concerns about privacy or a negative effect on my mental health. I also don't usually go on social media at certain times of the day, such as close to my bedtime or just after I've woken up. I try not to follow accounts or communities that are negative or toxic.
I've also set up boundaries with people online. For example, I tell them that I can't be online every day and that they are free to message me in the meantime, but for anything urgent they have to contact someone else. Sometimes, I also set limits on how long I can chat for in advance, such as by saying, 'Hi! I'll be on for about an hour today if you want to chat'. I can usually only support other people online when I'm not in a bad mood. Some kinds of social media give me the option to appear offline, which I do sometimes if I can't talk to people at the time but still want to read what other people have posted, for example.
I think not spending a lot of time on social media every day has helped me focus more time on self-care and offline activities. I'm a really introverted person and find that talking to people all day can drain my social battery. I feel more refreshed if I don't talk to people every day.

WheresMySquishyPosted 02-07-2020 02:03 AM

Hi everyone!

Here's the question of the day:
Have you ever had a negative experience on social media, such as cyberbullying? How did you handle this?


Not applicable

ecla34Posted 03-07-2020 05:01 PM

It's Friday! And time for the last set of questions for this GR! 😄 Heart


What are some ways we can connect with others and care for ourselves when we need to take a break from social media? Do you have any tips for using social media in a way that feels balanced for you? Heart


WheresMySquishyPosted 03-07-2020 07:50 PM

What are some ways we can connect with others and care for ourselves when we need to take a break from social media? Do you have any tips for using social media in a way that feels balanced for you?
In the past, I've written letters to people. It's so nice when you receive a card or letter from someone. It just feels so much personal than receiving a generic email or quick message. I can also say much more in a phone call or a letter than I can online. With letters, I can also express myself visually with drawings, stickers and photos.
I like to schedule time to do offline things, such as writing some notes and thoughts down rather than posting them online or using an app. Sometimes, scheduling an offline alternative can really help. I used to play a lot of online games, but I've found that I'm a lot happier when playing offline games because there is a lot less pressure on you to be constantly available to do things with other players as a group. I've cancelled all my subscriptions to online gaming services and will only re-activate them when I have more time to play online games. I still play games with friends and family but I feel that I can do so on my own terms as opposed to how I was playing them before.
Something that has also helped me is thinking about what else I can do with my time if I'm not constantly focused on social media. There tend to be more positives than negatives.
I know there are also some apps such as Forest that can help with reducing the time you spend on your phone, but I haven't tried them.

WheresMySquishyPosted 30-06-2020 01:10 AM

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Here's our second question:
On the flipside, what are some of the negatives that you've experienced when using social media? How can social media negatively affect our mental health?



drpenguinPosted 01-07-2020 04:46 PM

And a happy Wednesday to everyone!


What are some of the positives that you've experienced when using social media? What can you do on social media that can help improve your mental health?

I find that social media is one way to connect with others and just see what other people you know are doing. For me it's great to know what people are up to and see how they're doing since we don't live in the same country anymore.

One thing I think social media can do for improving our mental health is that it can be a brief escape from reality when we just want to chill and look at pictures/videos that are entertaining or interesting to us.


On the flipside, what are some of the negatives that you've experienced when using social media? How can social media negatively affect our mental health?

One negative I've experienced is sometimes seeing other people doing things with their friends without which makes it feel like I'm missing out or left out. Sometimes this can make me feel like they didn't want to invite me or just forgot to.

drpenguinPosted 01-07-2020 04:47 PM

Question number 3!
Have you ever set boundaries on your use of social media? For example, choosing not to follow certain accounts, limiting the time you are online, or not posting when you are in a negative headspace etc. How did this impact your life and wellbeing?



Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 29-06-2020 06:01 PM

-you can find stories of people going through the same thing as you
-It helps you stay connected even when you can't meet someone in person
-funny cat videos 😛

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 29-06-2020 06:02 PM
Haha sorry I just answered in dot points cause I was too lazy to write full sentences 😛 I'm not a robot I promise 😉
ecla34Posted 29-06-2020 06:06 PM
hmmm... that sounds like something a robot would say 😛
Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 29-06-2020 06:19 PM

Oh no I've been sprung Robot LOL

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