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GUYZZZ amazing work on the last challenge.





Today’s challenge is to: DO A MICROSOFT PAINT SELF-PORTRAIT and write one of your signature strengths at the bottom!


List of signature strengths here


For me body image has been something I have struggled with for quite a while, and although I’m slowly coming to terms with it, it is something that I still have to work on and remember to challenge on a regular basis. So, I think it’s important that we stop sometimes to look at the positive parts of ourselves and recognise our strengths (inside and out)!


So, while you’re creating your avatar, remember to: Give your body some love!
Focus on your positive qualities, skills and talents and what your body can do rather than on how you look. The body is amazing; appreciating and respecting all the things it can do will help you to feel more positive about it.





If you’re interested in reading a little more on body image, checkout:


lanejanePosted 17-03-2015 08:14 AM


BeePosted 17-03-2015 09:18 PM

self portrait.png


Wow guys, everyone's looks so good!

I don't really like how my portrait came out. but it's ok I guess lol. Makes me look so much older! haha lol it creeping me out actually ! haha

I was going to do it earlier today, but decided to do it tonight so I could put hte red tint in my hair which I now have 😛

lanejanePosted 18-03-2015 08:47 AM

@Bee i think there is heaps of artistic talent hidden in yours. if i move my computer screen i can see the different shades you put into the neck and forehead - and even the hair has different depths to it. i love it! even if you don't 😛

BeePosted 18-03-2015 04:33 PM
thanks @lanejane each to their own, I'm sitting here laughing at it, because those colourings weren't actually meant to be there! lolz oops haha

@KitKat oh no! haha, at least now you know! 😛 I lve your portrait. SO pretty 🙂
Billy-ROPosted 18-03-2015 08:55 AM

This challenge reminds me of the app, French Girls. Has anyone here used it? You take selfies and then strangers draw you (or you can just draw selfies taken by strangers). It's odd but really funny.

j95Posted 18-03-2015 09:56 AM
@Billy-RO yes that's so true!! AHAHAHA
KitKatPosted 18-03-2015 10:30 AM

Ummm, can I just say that everyone here is amazingly artistically creative? I'm so jealous! Haha. Looking at all the uploads so far I was llike "I bet I could totally do that". Nope, no I can't, haha. Also @Billy-RO @j95 I think it's a good thing you left off eyebrows! Mine make my self-portrait look evil (even if they are totally on point!).


Art Challenge.png


p.s I've been spelling it 'curiousity' the whole time. I only realised it was spelt 'curiosity' because of the spreadsheet @lanejane linked us. I've been living a lie!

stonepixiePosted 17-03-2015 09:27 PM
Is it a wash-out by any chance @Bee ?
BeePosted 17-03-2015 10:03 PM
yah, it's a semi-permanent 🙂 @stonepixie
stonepixiePosted 17-03-2015 10:09 PM
I have a red wash-out in my hair too! Does it make your eyes 'pop'? Mine does. 🙂 @Bee
BeePosted 17-03-2015 10:53 PM
Aw awesome @stonepixie yah it kinda does! 😄 It suits me really well too!
N1ghtW1ngPosted 18-03-2015 05:33 AM

I gave it a good three, four goes but I just couldn't get it. I absolutely hated the way it turned out so... I improvised. After all, it's where my username came from. (Nightwing is the first Robin's new identity. And Robin is Batman's sidekick. And if you don't know who Batman is, google him :))


I really don't like using Windows Paint, especially on a computer. With just a trackpad. 


Me as Batman.png

lanejanePosted 18-03-2015 08:45 AM

@N1ghtW1ng i love it. it's really original and fun!

N1ghtW1ngPosted 18-03-2015 05:06 AM
Everyone's looks amazing!
Student94Posted 17-03-2015 03:25 PM

@j95 Such a terrific effort!!!!!!!!!!!! That one hour of work really paid off! The background is great too 🙂 Bravery is definitely a strength we've seen you show on the forums 🙂

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