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Mental Health Memes

There's been quite a few funny mental health related memes floating about on the internet recently so I thought it would be fun to have a thread where we could share the funny/relatable ones we have found. 

***all memes shared here are done so for entertainment, if any of these memes are triggering please contact Kids Helpline or Lifeline. 


Tagging some fellow meme loving mods to help contribute: @Bee @lokifish @N1ghtW1ng  @Esperanza @ecla34 


To get this thread started here are some funny memes I have found recently 🙂



ErinsAnticsPosted 22-07-2019 01:13 PM

Comments (10 pages)

Tiny_leafPosted 28-08-2019 01:57 AM

Okay so this isn't exactly a meme, but I think it all belongs here anyway:








MisoBearPosted 07-09-2019 09:59 PM

Me: I feel bad/sad/anxious

Also me: 

Me: Weird...I don't feel any better?!

My bank account: *screams*

MisoBearPosted 07-09-2019 10:12 PM

That's actually amazing

Me making my way through uni this year. You're doing great, everyone!

BeePosted 13-09-2019 10:05 AM



BeePosted 13-09-2019 10:08 AM



Tiny_leafPosted 13-09-2019 11:29 AM

@Bee both my brain and my internet browser are 110% like that.

BeePosted 13-09-2019 06:09 PM
haha @Tiny_leaf Smiley LOL My brain is definitely like that! My internet browser however has been behaving very well recently, so that's a plus! Woo and with 16 tabs currently open! 😛
Tiny_leafPosted 13-09-2019 10:52 PM

@Bee I've got 26 tabs open right now. I just keep it all muted so that I don't hear the random music and ads. My computer hates me Smiley Tongue

BeePosted 14-09-2019 09:04 PM

@Tiny_leaf Smiley LOL haha I haven't had to mute the webbrowser for eons (years)! But I use Stan a lot now (was previously Netflix but I swapped 😛 )



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