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planning a trip

i've been posting about this in numerous threads but i think it makes sense to just make one for it. 

I'm planning to go to Northern Territory to visit where my family live and are from. I think this will be a good experience for me to connect to my indigenous culture. 

Except it is going to cost me around $800 minimum just for flights, not including accomodation near the airport because of flight times, paying for costs to where I want to go which is about 3 hours from Alice Springs, anything extra I need to buy and other expenses that might come up. 

I'm struggling to have enough money for this trip. 

@Ngaio-RO suggested either Go Fund Me or Kickstarter, does anybody have any other tips or ideas for how I can do this?

j95Posted 03-08-2017 04:20 PM


carofonowPosted 05-10-2021 06:48 PM

Shortly before the start of the Covid 19 quarantine, I managed to travel to the northern countries of Europe. It was something amazing. Still, the northern regions of the USA and the northern EU countries are something special. I will never forget this magical sound of train wheels and stunning scenery outside the window. I really look forward to being able to go on such a long journey again without fear of illness. While traveling in Europe, I then found a very convenient db fahrplan ticket purchase service.

MarksPitsPosted 31-07-2021 01:12 AM

It's worth trying to turn to GoFundMe, or Kickstarter, or go by train, I think you can save a few dollars this way. I always travel by train, I like it more than flights. I went to Germany last spring to visit friends. We were traveling in Germany without a specific plan and purpose. It was quite a cool and interesting journey. We drank beer, talked to the locals and just laughed. I don't remember the last time I had such a rest. I also used the dbfahrplanauskunft website, which shows the timetable of all trains throughout Germany.

CeskyusaiePosted 10-07-2021 03:55 AM

Do you think planes or trains are better for traveling? I really like trains. This spring I traveled very often

IngvarPosted 09-03-2018 05:51 PM
This 2018, I plan to visit Europe and Spain. For my summer holiday, I'm looking at Tenerife or Lanzarote.I came across this one article about he place here in I've never been to either and apparently the beaches are fantastic as well as being suitably 'different' to make it interesting.
IngvarPosted 09-03-2018 05:47 PM

My and my family will book a flight to Spain and go to the wonderful island of Canary. I've heard so many great things about this place and im just fascinated about the island. I've decided not to waste any minutes and and booked a flight next month with my family. This will be the first time we will be going out of the country and I'm really excited as much as my family is. How about you guys. Any travel plans this year?

PietroPosted 19-01-2018 08:24 PM

hopefully you guys enjoy your travel 🙂

Icecream1Posted 19-01-2018 08:31 PM

Hi @Pietro 

Welcome to ReachOut. That sounds amazing I would love to do that someday!


Icecream1 😊

j95Posted 24-12-2017 05:38 PM
can't wait go away
j95Posted 20-12-2017 08:15 PM

@Bree-RO just above ^ ^ 

Bree-ROPosted 20-12-2017 08:20 PM

Pretty rad they have some really cool youth development stuff. So incredible. @j95

Bree-ROPosted 20-12-2017 10:32 PM

You know what would be rad @j95 if you or someone wanted to start a travel thread 🙂 


"Your ultimate trip" or something like that and we could all contribute our dream adventures.

j95Posted 20-12-2017 10:34 PM
Hey that's a good idea @Bree-RO
I'll do that right now
Bree-ROPosted 20-12-2017 10:35 PM

Nice one, start it & I will tag some folk! @j95

j95Posted 20-12-2017 10:37 PM
Just did it @Bree-RO
j95Posted 20-12-2017 08:29 PM
I don't know how to explain it but it's just like wow that's where my family is and thats my roots right there in the video just makes me feel really good watching it and I can't wait to go there @Bree-RO
j95Posted 20-12-2017 08:23 PM
Its pretty cool that I even found that!! @Bree-RO pretty stoked actually!
j95Posted 20-12-2017 03:45 PM

omg so i  just found this video and i think i cried a little bit because this where I'm going!! this is home

j95Posted 20-12-2017 04:12 PM
seriously thats just so awesome
honkyPosted 29-11-2017 10:26 PM

hey @j95, sorry I'm uber late in this conversation. How have things been going with saving? Are you still planning this trip?

j95Posted 29-11-2017 10:30 PM
Well since I had to move house it's been a little bit hard hopefully now I'm in a new place all settled I can save some more
Still planning the trip but not sure when it will happen I was hoping last month so now I'm not sure @honky
honkyPosted 29-11-2017 10:37 PM

That's ok @j95, i think it's good that you're still planning to go on the trip. There's no rush, whenever you feel ready Smiley Happy

j95Posted 29-11-2017 10:37 PM
It's harder to organise than I thought @honky
honkyPosted 29-11-2017 10:40 PM

haha oh gosh, wouldn't we love to go on a holiday with no organising @j95. Do you have much left to organise?

KarinaskiiPosted 04-08-2017 04:30 PM

That sounds great!

I would recommend keeping an eye out for airline specials. They pop up every once in a while with great prices on flights. I know Flight Centre have a deal at the moment with 3-nights accommodation and return flights from Sydney to Darwin for about $800. Check it out! Smiley Happy

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