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Breakup struggles ):

I was with a guy for about a month and a half (not 'official') and he broke it off quite unexpectedly )): I've been heartbroken before but with this guy, it's so much worse and I don't know why! I love/d him so much, we saw each other all the time and I loved his family so much!!! I want him back so badly because he made me over the moon happy but he said he's lost feelings and he doesnt think that it'll work again. 


Someone help me get him back or how to get him out of my head 😞 I've ben crying ever since


Thankyou xxx

frictionPosted 01-11-2017 10:11 PM


Bree-ROPosted 01-11-2017 11:01 PM

@friction heartbreak is very painful... Completely understand you feeling this way, and I know you must just want the pain to stop.


It is extra hard when it's a sudden break up. And it's okay to cry, and mourn, feel it out. Something we tend to do during break ups is to feel not enough. When in actual fact, the person who broke it off - it's their stuff, not yours. There's something within them that is not aligning.

So I hope that whilst you cry, you know that you're wonderful as you are. This is not super helpful right now, but the pain will end, it won't feel this way for too long. Do you have things to keep yourself busy friends, movies, sport etc? This article is really good, and the kids helpline counsellors [click here] are always available to help you through this too, as well as the forums here.


You're not alone 🙂 Heart

frictionPosted 01-11-2017 11:17 PM
Thankyou so much!! I've had my fair share of tears, believe me! I've been crying for a good 2 weeks 😞 Thankyou for the website links, means heaps 💜
lokifishPosted 02-11-2017 07:37 AM

@friction I can see how those statements might be frustrating to hear 😞 it's awesome that you've got so many supportive friends though! Although it often feels like the last thing we want to do during a breakup, keeping active and social can often be the best thing for us 🙂 sending lots of kind thoughts your way - this too shall pass Heart

frictionPosted 02-11-2017 08:34 AM

Thankyou heaps for the message and advice! Means so much xx

basketofmonkeysPosted 02-11-2017 07:50 PM
Hey @friction, I really feel for you at the moment. Breakups are honestly the worst, especially when someone else is breaking up with you and it's unexpected. It's totally okay to feel overwhelmed and I understand how it can take up all your time and make you feel completely shit.

I would say that the biggest tip I have is to try and keep yourself entertained. It's the main thing that I try to do when I find that something takes up all my headspace (thinking about someone, breaking up, worried about exams etc. etc.) as it's really easy to do nothing but think more and more about it, which often doesn't help. Is there anything you can do at the moment (reading a book, going for a run, attending classes, etc.) that you think may help you over time?

Let me know how everything goes ❤️
frictionPosted 02-11-2017 07:59 PM

I have exams next week so I'm just trying to focus on those and all but like he's just always in my head it's insane! Sometimes I feel like going to his house and just talking to him for ages like nothing ever happened but I know I can't 😞 



Autumn23Posted 08-11-2017 10:01 PM

Hey @friction how have things been going for you this week? We're here for you if you feel like chatting Smiley Happy

frictionPosted 08-11-2017 10:25 PM

So much better thankyou! I've accepted the fact that we're not together anymore (after the 3 weeks it has been) and I've heard he's talking smack about me at school when I've done nothing wrong or to hurt him in any way. I've cut off all communication with him for now and just seeing how I go with that but all in all, watching videos of us is actually making me happy and not making me sad becasue I lose that part of me. It can only get better but thankyou so much for your message, I appreciate it xx

missepPosted 28-11-2017 11:57 AM

It sounds like you've been showing a lot of strength @friction!

Breakups are never ever easy! In my own personal experience I feel like they really help you grow as a person though! 

I'm really glad that things have started to get better. It's so true! It can only get better from here Smiley Happy

frictionPosted 28-11-2017 11:55 PM

I'm still so broken hearted like I wrote a massive letter explaining why I fell in love and had to lock it away because I just cry when I read it )): I keep on crying over him and I just wish I could have him back !!! If I got him as a Christmas present I wouldn't need anything else ahhhh

missepPosted 30-11-2017 09:16 PM

Breakups are never easy @friction, I can completely relate. I know it may sound cliche but time really does help heal wounds. 

Is there any self-care you could do to help when this situation upsets you?

frictionPosted 30-11-2017 09:50 PM

Honestly, all I do is sit in my room chuck on some sad songs and cry all night 😞 I'm so bad with this stuff and I just wish I could text him and he'd come back. Its been almost 2 months and I'm still hung up on him ))):

less123321Posted 07-12-2017 10:12 AM
hey @friction Just wondering how you re going? Heart
frictionPosted 11-12-2017 10:36 AM

Honestly, I am still a wreck ughhh it's been like 2 months and I'm still not over him and I hate it )): I just wish I could see him again 😞

ErinsAnticsPosted 30-11-2017 11:16 PM

@frictionlet the tears fall! You will feel so much better after a good cry! Put on a sad movie, grab some chocolate and ice cream and have a good cry. Then once you have let all the tears fall distract yourself with a funny movie to distract you. It's even better doing it with friends rather than doing it alone.

It will take time, but rather than focus on why you miss him have you thought about focusing on the negatives about him? Stuff like maybe he never answered his phone? His feet smelt? He never gave you his full attention? 

Just remember that you are amazing and if he couldn't see that then it wasn't meant to be Heart

frictionPosted 30-11-2017 11:33 PM

Thankyou omg!!! I bloody wish I could focus on bad things but that's just never gonna happen because he was so amazing to me and he treated me like a queen!!! I honestly just wish I was back on his couch falling asleep in his arms ahhh

missepPosted 07-12-2017 10:50 AM

Hey @friction, how are you feeling about everything now?

frictionPosted 11-12-2017 10:41 AM

Still such a mess 😞 I was balling my eyes out like 3 days ago for a solid 2 hours, I feel so shit and I just want to have him back. Would be a lovely Christmas present ahaha xx

missepPosted 11-12-2017 10:48 AM

I'm sorry to hear that @friction Smiley Sad

It takes time to heal and everyone is different. 

Is there anything you can do at the moment to take care of yourself and make yourself happy? Smiley Happy 

I found putting on a cute outfit and makeup and seeing a friend for dinner or something makes me feel a lot better! Would this be something that could work for you?

frictionPosted 11-12-2017 10:59 AM

I love going out for dinner! I just feel like the only thing that can make me feel better is him which I know is stupid but like I just feel like being in his arms like I was before would make me feel sooo much better 😞

basketofmonkeysPosted 11-12-2017 08:27 PM
Hey @friction, I'm so sorry that you're not going through a great time at the moment. I know that breakups can feel like utter shit, especially when you still have feelings for someone after you're no longer together. Even if it wasn't 'official', there can still be plenty of emotions that are really hard to work your way through. How are you feeling at the moment?
frictionPosted 11-12-2017 11:47 PM

Well right now, always at night, I feel like I could cry myself a river. It always hits me at night that I don't have him and I just end up crying myself to sleep and I hate it 😞 I don't know how to make it better unless he comes back to me x

T4ilsPosted 12-12-2017 05:20 PM
That sucks @friction. It sounds like he meant a lot to you and it is really hard to lose anyone special especially when we enjoyed being around them so much. Sometimes crying can help you release some emotions although the problem won't go away. I hear that you accept you aren't together anymore which can really hurt and be difficult to realise.

How have you been looking after yourself while this has been going on?
frictionPosted 12-12-2017 10:20 PM

Ah let me tell ya, I am the queen of crying no matter the reason, I burst into tears just this morning because the thought of him popped into my head. I haven't been doing much for myself, nothing I wasn't already doing anyway. I just want him back or wish that I could just send him one text that could send all my problems away )): one text from him saying he missed me would solve all my problems but it just won't ever happen 


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