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Hello, my name is Skylarswims and I have learning disabilities: ADD, ADHD, OCD, Auditory Processing Disorder, Oral Expression Disorder, Impulsiveness, Severe Anxiety,  suicidal thoughts, and Depression. I feel sorry, anxious, depressed because I feel like people think I am annoying, crazy, weird, etc. it feels like nobody likes me or wants to be my friend. It feels like barely even anyone wants to text with me/hang out with me. It feels like I am invisible like some people don’t even notice me. It makes me feel sad and lonely because it feels like nobody wants to be my friend. 
SkylarswimsPosted 26-02-2022 09:25 AM


Lavender_ShrewPosted 10-06-2023 10:34 PM

Hi Skylarswims. I just read your post, and hit me hard. I don't even have 1 tenth of the disabilities that you have, but I can relate to feeling like your problem and struggles are annoying to others and really don't care (even though sometimes it is not true). But do know that help is out there and people do care. If you would like help, try Lifeline - that what I do - although it is only avaliable in Australia - it anonymous and free. Or you could also try connecting to the counselor at your school/university/work for help. 


Also, I could be your online friend if you would want:) 


Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon. 

seal2099Posted 28-02-2022 02:20 PM

Hi @Skylarswims,  


Thank you for reaching out online - you're very brave for doing so and I'm sure by voicing out your struggles, many people can relate to and benefit from them. You're definitely not alone and we are all here for you even though you feel like noody wants to be your friend. ❤️


It is an awful feeling to be misunderstood by your peers. It's very tough and I'm understand you might also feel helpless as you don't know how to explain (or even want to explain) what you're going through with the people around you so that they can give you more understanding. 


Skylarswims, may I ask what are some of the attributes/qualities that people you admire (i.e., the people you want to be friends with) have? For example, I personally really like to be friends with people who are willing to be vulnerable and talk about their struggles with me. When they do so, I feel very trusted as a friend - and it also makes me feel like even the toughest, most positive and confident people can also have issues and struggles that they're going through. Perhaps you can have two or three people in mind and make a dot point list of things that you like about them.


Finding friends can be very tough especially when we are afraid that if we reach out to them we would be rejected. The fear of rejection sucks and I'm sure many of us still experience this in our daily lives (especially in 1st year uni when we are all unsure if the people we want to be friends feels the same). Can I ask why you figured if people find you "annoying, crazy, weird"? Is it something that they say explicitly or perhaps their facial reactions? It's okay if you don't feel comfy thinking about these questions as they might be sad to ponder.


Lots of love and hope.

ayrc_1904Posted 27-02-2022 10:15 PM

Hey @Skylarswims


Thanks for posting on the forums ❤️

Sorry to hear that you're going through so much and that you're feeling alone. It must be really hard to experience that and feel like you're invisible. 


May I ask whether you do any extracurriculars or take any hobbies with peers your age? How do you like to look after yourself when you're down? 


I hope you feel better soon ❤️

Taylor-ROPosted 26-02-2022 11:23 AM

Hi @Skylarswims


Thank you for sharing. I am sorry that you feel that way about yourself - it must be lonely and upsetting to have those thoughts. If I put myself in your shoes, I would be feeling quite heart broken if I thought I was invisible and that nobody wanted to talk to me. You also have a lot on your plate, so I can imagine that things must be so difficult right now. I am wondering, is there anyone in your life who supports you? Whether that is a teacher, parents or another adult. We also have some articles on self esteem, confidence and anxiety - which you might find helpful as they have some information and strategies included in them Heart


Just so you know, I have sent you through an email if you don't mind responding to it when you have the chance. 


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