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Friends haven’t been the strong suit for me in these recent years - with them calling me all sorts of names - from gay to swear words all the time…. I feel like there is hardly anyone I can talk to it’s hard but oh well- but it’s kind of taking a toll on me… What are your thoughts? I literally talk to no one after to school besides my parents and it just feels like I’m empty you know… But yeah

White_OysterPosted 10-05-2021 10:21 PM


GioDesPosted 13-05-2021 11:22 AM

Hi @White_Oyster

I am so sorry to hear about the way your friends have treated you in the past, that is not okay! I can definitely relate to the struggle of navigating friendships and I appreciate how daunting and isolating it can be sometimes, please know you are not alone in feeling a bit overwhelmed and unsure. I was wondering if you would possibly consider chatting with your parents about how you're feeling?? I am just wondering how you can utilise your existing supports so you are not carrying these feelings around without help!  I was also wondering if you would consider engaging in some extracurricular activities? I have found it can be a really cool way to have some fun and meet some new people! Thinking of you this week and sending some good vibes your way 😊

MaryROPosted 10-05-2021 10:36 PM

@White_Oyster that must be super hard to deal with. Toxic friendships are not great to deal with and it's not cool for people to treat others that way. Some people just don't know how to treat others in a respectful way. Have you tried talking to your parents about starting up an activity and being there with you until you are comfortable around the new people? I'm sorry that this is taking a toll on you. Isolation and a lack of connection is not the way humans are born to live. 

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