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*TW* I don't want to be here anymore

I don't know how to put how I'm feeling into words and not sure I really care to even try. I just feel so numb and angry and don't want to be here anymore and am finding it really hard to stay strong. I want to hurt myself so badly but then I scare myself and end up feeling worse and like more of a coward because I can't do it. I'm just over it. I wish I could be normal but I can't and I don't think it's ever going to change. I'm fucked up and that's that. And it's only going to get worse these next couple days cause it's anniversaries and I can't cope. I have no one and I don't know what to do. I'm safe and I will be safe cause I'm stuck with family and would never put them through it but I don't feel safe. I just want to scream.

MB95Posted 08-01-2021 03:35 PM

Comments (15 pages)

MB95Posted 31-01-2021 01:36 PM

Honestly @Andrea-RO, I don't think there is. I'm getting really sick of myself atm. Like part of me knows what I should be doing but I just can't do it and it makes me angry and hate myself even more. It's too hard to explain and I'm sick of complaining on here. I just feel like I'm being such a downer and burdening everyone atm so I'm sorry. I don't want to seem ungrateful because this community means so much to me and I probably wouldn't be here without you all. But I just don't think anything is working atm and I'm wasting everyone's time and causing more stress than is needed. I'm really sorry everyone. 

Andrea-ROPosted 31-01-2021 01:04 PM

That's ok @MB95, anytime honestly - is there anything we can help you with today? Even if you just want us to sit with you, happy to do that 🌻

MB95Posted 31-01-2021 12:48 PM

Yeah, I'm not great @Andrea-RO. But I think I just need to take some time to try and sort my head out. It's not fair on everyone on here who is trying so hard to help me but not getting through. I just feel like a lost cause atm and like nothing is working. Thanks for checking in though, I appreciate it ❤

Andrea-ROPosted 31-01-2021 10:17 AM

Hey @MB95, I noticed you were online this morning 😊🌻 how are you feeling today? It looks like you had a bit of a heavy night, so I wanted to check in with how you're feeling (no stress if you want some time before responding to this, there's no pressure, just wanted to see how you were going 💖)

Eden1717Posted 31-01-2021 02:51 AM

@MB95  Don’t worry about me I only reply to people when I am feeling up to it so don’t feel like you are putting any pressure on me. Sometimes it is good though to take a break from intense things for a while though. We will be here when you are ready to come back to the discussion. 

MB95Posted 31-01-2021 01:28 AM

Yeah thanks @Lost_Space_Explorer5. I'm too tired to think about it now but will try have a think and let you know tomorrow if I manage to get anywhere with it. 


I'm bad. Sorry! Sometimes I don't even realise I've sworn which is so bad. It usually comes out when I'm really emotional.. don't listen to mumma sloth!! 


@Eden1717 I don't think there is. I know these are my problems and I've just gotta get over it and work out how to deal with it. You guys have been incredible and I can't thank you enough for just listening to me and being there. Honestly. 


I am worried about you both though and don't want to be triggering either of you with anything so I might just keep off this thread for a while till I've sorted myself out and so you guys can take the time you need to focus on yourselves too. I'm sorry I've been so needy lately. But thankyou for just listening and helping where you can. 

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 31-01-2021 01:11 AM

I was seeing this psych for like a year. I just never felt I could trust her. She was my only option though cause it was free and through the PSS. I literally just never got attached LMAO. I got my CM to call her and give her the news. Then my CM was my 'psych' for a little while till I figured shit out. You're having a bad influence on me I keep swearing. 


Yeah those kinds of questions are met with resistance a lot cause no one wants false hope. But giving it a go can sometimes get to the bottom of what you need help with or what you want? 



Eden1717Posted 31-01-2021 01:06 AM

@MB95  It’s ok there is not rush to figure this all out is there anything we can do to be more helpful for you? Is there something you would find helpful to chat about? 

MB95Posted 31-01-2021 12:56 AM

Also @Lost_Space_Explorer5. I love that you ghosted your first psych, made me laugh. But I'm also kinda proud.. how on earth did you manage that with normally being so attached and worried about abandonment? Like, I so badly do not want to talk to mine again and want to shut her out forever because I'm so angry at her for some reason. But at the same time I'm so scared and the thought of losing her just makes me so upset and angry because it's all my fault. So how did you do it? I mean unless she was a shit psych and you hadn't formed a relationship yet? 

MB95Posted 31-01-2021 12:51 AM

I don't have anyone else @Sophia-RO. Not that I trust or would talk to about this. It's fine though. I'm just going to hang out on here for a bit I think. Idk. I'm pretty exhausted so will probs have an early night I guess. 


@Eden1717 @Lost_Space_Explorer5 I know you're both coming from a good place, and I do really appreciate it but you're not wrong - it is all a bit much to take in atm and I'm not really interested or sure I'm ready. I'm trying but yeah. I'm having a lot of trouble trying to accept I actually need help? Like I know I do but I also won't accept it if that makes sense. Idk. I don't want to do meds again and quite frankly I don't think I want to do therapy again either. Neither of them worked and I put so much time into them. Idk. I'm pretty adamant on the meds. Therapy, I'm in two minds but think I need to process what's happened because right now I'm just too upset and angry to even consider going back. It took me almost 2yrs to start to trust and open up and believe my psych wasn't going anywhere and well, here I am. Anyway it doesn't matter. I can't change it so I've just gotta learn to deal with it. 


I'm not sure support groups are for me. I tried that social anxiety one last year and it just made me more anxious. I couldn't quite see how throwing 12 socially anxious people in a room together was beneficial lol Plus, I HATE people knowing my shit so yeah. Like I'm more than happy to help others and listen to them, but I refuse to share my story with people. Idk. It's just me. 


@Lost_Space_Explorer5 I might need some time to think about your questions if that's okay? I just honestly can't work out what I need or want at the moment. I just really feel like there are two me's that are fighting so hard against one another and my head is a mess. I want help but I don't want her. I need help but I won't accept help. And I understand how frustrating that is, it's just making me hate myself even more, but please just know that I appreciate what you guys are doing and that I even have this space to talk. 

Eden1717Posted 30-01-2021 11:46 PM

@MB95 you don’t have to see the same psychologist if you don’t want to or any psychologist right now you can always come back to the idea later. I think @Lost_Space_Explorer5 idea about peer supports groups could be a good one to look into when you are feeling ready. Can you do something relaxing or low energy tonight to try and help feel a bit better? 

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-01-2021 11:39 PM

Some links to forum threads (don't worry about reading them if you don't want to or don't think they'd be helpful)

When help isn't helping 

Accessing mental health services 


Can I ask you a question @MB95? No pressure to answer!

If you could have any kind of support right now that you knew was guaranteed to help you what would it look like? Assuming you didn't have to worry about getting hurt or the financial impact (just in a perfect world)? I guess what I'm asking is, without thinking about the barriers and worries, what kind of support do you NEED? What's going to help you feel better?

-would it involve someone helping you?

-would it involve following some sort of 'therapy course'

-would it involve some practical intervention to fix a part of your life (e.g. relationships, finances, health)?

-would it involve building up trust with someone?

-would it involve talking about past things and/or fixing current or future concerns?

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-01-2021 11:18 PM
Your GP can help come up with a plan to keep you safe, may be able to refer you to a psychiatrist/psychologist to get you into a group, and might... suggest medication.. All three of these things I don't think you have interest in atm Smiley LOL But the most important one is keeping you safe and having a chat about what's been going on with your mood, anxiety, and memory and what you can do about it! She might even refer you out to some other health professional if you're not into doing therapy anymore. I know there are some schemes that can get you hooked up with a mental health nurse or she might even suggest a community support group to get involved in. Idk lol I'm brainstorming. But the point is there are lots of options and medication and therapy are not the only ones. You do like supportive peer environments right? Like this one hehe. Perhaps instead of/ or to ease yourself into/or as a complementary thing to group therapy you could look into going to a local mental health support group? There are all sorts, from talking to something resembling art therapy. That's a lot of suggestions, sorry if it's a bit overwhelming. The point is there are lots of things you can try, it's about what works for you!

Fair enough with your psych @MB95, I ghosted on my first psych Smiley LOL
Sophia-ROPosted 30-01-2021 10:52 PM
That is understandable @MB95, I am sorry to hear that you have been feeling like there is no point. Do you have anyone else that you feel like you can go to for support during these times? Feeling exhausted sounds really really tough, so I get why you might not be up for cleaning the kitchen right now. Do you have anything planned for tonight before getting some sleep in? Smiley Happy
MB95Posted 30-01-2021 10:15 PM

I don't want to explore anything with my psychologist anymore @Sophia-RO. There is no point. Unless she contacts me, which I highly doubt will happen, then I'm not going back. 


Thanks @Lost_Space_Explorer5. I'm pretty exhausted now but might have a look at DBT and RODBT tomorrow. Like I'm interested and know I need to try something but I'm also scared and so sick of trying.


Thanks for mentioning that @Eden1717. I actually didn't think of that. If I'm being honest I think it's going to make me worse because I can never seem to communicate with her properly so we'll see what happens I guess. I didn't really think of the fact she probably can't do anything to help. Ugh. 


I don't have anything planned for tonight. I need to clean my kitchen but really don't have the energy! 



Sophia-ROPosted 30-01-2021 09:31 PM

Sorry to hear that you have been feeling exhausted lately @MB95 . I hope that spending some of your day at work was a helpful distraction. Do you have anything planned for tonight that might help you feel a bit better? I think @Lost_Space_Explorer5 and @Eden1717  have raised some really awesome points. A new diagnosis can be understandably scary and worrisome, but can also sometimes be helpful as it can provide us with answers and useful information. Do you think this is something you would feel comfortable exploring more with your psychologist? Heart

Eden1717Posted 30-01-2021 06:46 PM

@MB95  I am glad you like it it is called a “slow loris” they are very cute but a little dangerous. I am sorry about how tough things are at the moment. The memory stuff sounds like dissociation but idk exactly I am not a dr lol. I think it would be OK if you had BPD it isn’t the end of the world and there are things that can really help with it. At the end of the day it is about finding what helps regardless of diagnosis. I really hope the GP can help but keep in mind they can be a bit limited with what they can do for mental health so they might suggest seeing someone else as well but I guess you don’t have to think about that right now. Have you got anything relaxing planned for this evening?

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-01-2021 05:38 PM
I'll reply more fully later sorry @MB95. The memory stuff sounds really scary, anxiety can definitely affect your memory. If you do end up having BPD, know that it's very treatable with therapy. There's this myth that it isn't but it actually really is treatable. When we're really low slight mood changes can feel extreme cause we're so used to feeling numb so it can be good to write down your mood out of 10 throughout the day? BPD can be overdiagnosed and attached to stigma but it is very treatable and DBT literally can save lives. And DBT isn't just for people with bpd, it can help with any control issues or big emotions. If your issue is overcontrol, eg. bottling up emotions till you crack- RODBT is good for that. What I'm trying to say is there are lots of options- CBT isn't the be all and end all.

Sorry this was more of an information based paragraph lol. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better but I'm sorry it's gotten to the point where you feel you can't trust yourself to remember things 😞 that's really tough. I hope your GP can help
MB95Posted 30-01-2021 03:18 PM

Thanks @Eden1717, I really hope so too cause I'm not sure what I'll do if not. She's my last option so I just really hope something works. Also I loved the lil venomous primate - he is so damn gorgeous! And he gave me a smile that was so badly needed so THANKYOU. I almost forgot what it felt like to smile and feel happy for a moment there. 


@Taylor-RO I met my best friend when I lived overseas so she's not an online friend. It just makes it hard cause I don't want to worry her but she's also the only person aside from my psych and GP that I can talk to about stuff. And you guys obviously. I really don't know what I want to get out of Tuesday? I'm a bit stuck. I just want her to fix me lol Give me a new heart and brain and emotions and send me on my way? 


I'm feeling really weird today. I worked this morning which has been a good distraction but also made things worse. I just feel really incapable. My memory is really bad to the point I'm worried there's actually something seriously wrong. Like I know stress and stuff can make memory bad but this is next level. Like I can't remember doing things. I can't recall anything and even the notes I write myself aren't helping because I don't remember writing them. And I write really detailed notes because of my memory but even then they still aren't making sense and I have no recollection of making them. I'm trying not to overthink it but at the same time it's really scaring me. I just don't feel connected to my body at all and can't remember anything. It's like I'm just doing stuff but my body has taken over and there is no me inside? Idk. It's becoming noticeable at work too which is why I was going to walk out the other day. I'm really struggling. They're not a supportive workplace either so it's making me feel worse. Idk. I know it's silly but I've honestly had the thought that I might have to stop working because I really can't cope but then I worry about money and I wondered if I would be able to get some sort of support with my mental health but then I'm so scared people think I'm making it up and just being lazy because I'm usually so good at hiding it. Plus I don't want to do it but I also know if I keep going like this nothing is going to change. Part of me won't have a bar of it and thinks I'm fine and the other part of me knows I'm really not and even thinks I should be in hospital getting treatment. But then that seems too far but also feels like it's the only way. Idk. I just feel really lost and don't know how or where to get the help I need but then also don't care anymore. I'm all over the place and feel like there are two me's. Which is probably good because otherwise I know I wouldn't be here. 


I crashed hard after work but then randomly am on some kinda high atm? Like I'm physically and mentally exhausted but I'm more aware of how I'm feeling? I can't really put it into words. But I just feel weird and kinda scared cause I'm not sure what's happening and I don't think this is going to last very long because I can already feel it draining from my body? If that even makes sense. Idk. I really don't know what's going on with me. I listened to this BPD podcast last night and don't have the diagnosis, my psych mentioned it last year but then I was too scared to go to the psychiatrist to find out so yeah, but it just made a lot of sense and I felt like someone finally understood what it's like to be me? Like it was comforting to hear her talk and stuff but I'm also even more scared now because what if I do actually have BPD? I just feel weird. I can't put this feeling into words. It's just very weird and I'm scared because I feel so uneasy about it. But then don't know why I'm scared because for the first time since last week I feel slightly safe. Like I'm not trying as hard to not act on things. It's just weird and I don't know what's going on with me. I feel like I'm going insane and losing control of myself? 

Taylor-ROPosted 30-01-2021 11:47 AM
I think it says a lot that you are still reaching out for support @MB95. Is your best friend an online friend or did they move overseas?

When are you able to get in with your GP? I really hope that you find their support helpful. Having a good GP can make a big difference. I know this session is important to you, so I am wondering if it would be helpful to think about what you want out of it/what to say?
Eden1717Posted 29-01-2021 11:23 PM

@MB95  I am sorry you are feeling so bad still and i really hope the GP can help you figure out a plan. on a completely unrelated note i hope you enjoy this picture of a venomous primate. 


MB95Posted 29-01-2021 11:06 PM

I don't have anyone to talk to. Not here anyway. I tried to message my best friend but she lives overseas so it's hard cause I don't like worrying her. I'm just waiting to see my GP cause I know I'm not good and need help so hopefully she doesn't let me down too. Idk. She's usually pretty good but I struggle to tell her stuff. She's my only support now though so I'm hoping she can somehow fix me. I just hope she doesn't suggest meds again cause I'm not doing them ever again. 

Sophia-ROPosted 29-01-2021 10:55 PM
Sorry to hear that things are tough for you at the moment @MB95. I understand that you are not feeling like responding much at the moment, and that it a-okay! I think that resting and napping does count as self-care Smiley Happy. I hope that you can get some more rest tonight and that you feel a bit better tomorrow morning. Would you feel comfortable talking to anyone about how you have been feeling?
MB95Posted 29-01-2021 10:25 PM

That's okay @Lost_Space_Explorer5, I hadn't written much anyway. Just don't have the energy. I do really appreciate your message though. I just can't bring myself to reply atm I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude, everything is just a bit much atm. I don't have anything left in me to do something I normally would @Sophia-RO but I did just pass out on the couch so I guess that's self care? 

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 29-01-2021 08:25 PM
Ugh that's really frustrating @MB95 😞 I couldn't find your post in spam quarantine either Smiley Frustrated

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