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I'm having trouble figuring out what my sexuality is. Any ideas?

So, I'm in a relationship with my amazing bf. I currently identify as a Bisexual. (Confused with gender atm). But I had a feeling i was asexual, but i still like kissing, and doing 'stuff' with myself. So, I figured that didn't work out and being Bi does kinda work. The only issue is that I don't feel like I'm bi either. I like anybody and everybody, open to anything, but I'm so confused and if there are any sexualities or ways to kinda investigate this. I'd LOVE some help.

Confused_with_lifePosted 03-02-2024 03:49 PM


KayaraPosted 04-02-2024 12:20 PM

There are many labels under the polysexual umbrella you can explore, such as bisexual, omnisexual, and pansexual all of which have corresponding romantic identities. If you want it's also totally fine to look into being ace spec, there are heaps of different identities under that spectrum too. You're also totally valid if you do identify as asexual later on and still like doing those things in relationships and to yourself, it's all about attraction. 

Astra-ROPosted 03-02-2024 04:49 PM

Hi @Confused_with_life ,
I wanted to start off by saying welcome to the Online Community! Talking about your sexuality and reaching out for help aren't always the easiest things to do, so I wanted to thank you for sharing what's been happening for you. Red_Fish has raised a good point about being pansexual, do you feel like this aligns with your experience at all? 


Finding the right label for your sexuality can be a tricky thing, and labels can be helpful for some but unhelpful for others. It sound like you're feeling confused with both your sexuality and gender at the moment, and that can be really tough. We have a list of LGBTQIA+ support services here, if you feel like this could be helpful, and we also have an article here about understanding your sexuality


I hope you find the online community a safe and supportive place and continue to reach out


I also just wanted to flag that I've moved your post to the Sexuality space of the forums 

Red_FishPosted 03-02-2024 03:58 PM

What you're describing sounds a lot like being pansexual, I suggest finding resources surrounding what it means to be pansexual if you are questioning your Sexuality, I went through the same kind of thing when I was still discovering my own self identity. 

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