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TW: Chat

Does anyone want to talk at all? 

I'm not feeling great. I'm very sad and alone; I just want some connection with people. 

I've prepared my canvas for my painting, so I'm waiting for it to dry before I start. 

Now I'm crying again. I'm sorry. I'm safe. 

Red_FlamingoPosted 06-11-2023 03:58 PM

Comments (9 pages)

Red_FlamingoPosted 27-12-2023 04:56 PM

Hmm, well, this one is the following. My health science ones are a bit different. This unit is an elective as I didn't have any nutrition or science ones left. 

Proposed Title:

Thesis Statement:


Topic Sentence: X6

Evidence/Research: X6 


Reference List:

The topic sentence and evidence part is a little different as I'm doing an essay on sexual assault through general strain theory, “Doing” Gender Theory, Masculinities and self-control theory. 

Where I would normally do three paragraphs with the three from above, but with this essay, I need to do six. 

You also need to make sure you do research with peer-reviewed articles such as Google Scholar, Science Direct, Sage journals, etc. I'm sorry to ask again, but what did you say you wanted to study? 


Ask me any questions about uni if you would like to. 


AcidMonster55Posted 27-12-2023 05:37 PM

Ah Ok @Red_Flamingo that looks very thorough and professional looking, kinda reminds me of a dossier report format I had to learn for this mandatory politics unit in year 10 (think I had to write about a wanted criminal group or something, can't remember).

So I'm going to be going to an art and design uni cos I wanna get in that field (mainly in the design and/or film area) I'm starting with a film and animation degree. Is there any major changes to high school I should expect? (aside from the reduced hours)

Red_FlamingoPosted 27-12-2023 05:40 PM

Hmm, well, yours is a completely different course, so I had to learn a lot of biology, chemistry and other stuff very fast. 

Just be prepared for a lot of work very quickly but then it's shorter than school. 

I'm not sure what your course would look like sorry. 

Can I ask are you a member like me on here @AcidMonster55 

AcidMonster55Posted 27-12-2023 05:44 PM

Yeah I'm definitely looking forward to everything being shorter than school.

Um what do you mean by member? 

Red_FlamingoPosted 27-12-2023 05:46 PM

Here like a contributor sorry @AcidMonster55 

I'm a contributor. 


AcidMonster55Posted 27-12-2023 05:53 PM

OH are you refering to like my user status? If so I don't think so yet. When I click on my account it says Super Frequent Scribe so I don't think I'm at that level yet. 

Red_FlamingoPosted 27-12-2023 05:55 PM

Mine says star contributor @AcidMonster55 

I don't even really know what the levels mean. 

But you're a member like me. Not a builder, etc. 

AcidMonster55Posted 27-12-2023 06:49 PM

Before I forget just wanna say goodbye as I'm logging off for the day so I can have dinner and sleep. Nice talking to you today @Red_Flamingo 

Red_FlamingoPosted 27-12-2023 06:55 PM

All good have a good night @AcidMonster55 

Red_FlamingoPosted 18-12-2023 09:21 AM

Hi @Lapis_Anteater @AcidMonster55 @Howl42 @sunset_hues @Rara @Anzelmo @ayrc_1904 

I hope you all are doing okay. Did everyone have a nice weekend?

I've been busy packing before I fly to my parents' place on Wednesday, so I'm ready to move into my new apartment when I come back.

AnzelmoPosted 30-12-2023 11:27 AM

Hi @Red_Flamingo 


It has been a super busy time for me, but overall nice. 


How was your packing? Or if you have already moved, how was your move?

Red_FlamingoPosted 30-12-2023 11:32 AM

Hi @Anzelmo 

All packed here is a photo from a couple weeks ago. I go back to uni on the 5th and move to my new room on the 6th. 

Don't mind my pjs. 


AnzelmoPosted 30-12-2023 12:22 PM

Wow, you are ready well in advance! That's great to see as I know some people tend to do things last minute and it becomes a confusing mess and things get left behind or broken. 


Hopefully, that means you can lay back and relax for the next few days and not have to worry as much about moving as I know that can be a stressful time for some. 

Red_FlamingoPosted 30-12-2023 12:43 PM

I needed to get it all packed because we don't fly in until mid-day on the 5th, and I wouldn't be able to pack it all up in the afternoon. I wanted it done before going to my parent's place. Especially with the plans being very temperamental. @Anzelmo 

Red_FlamingoPosted 30-12-2023 12:49 PM

Don't you hate the feeling of wanting to cry and not being able to @Anzelmo 

I'm with my parent, and now they are both on holidays, so I'm with them the whole time. I don't have any time to let my emotions out like I get to at uni. I just feel so sad, and I really want to cry, but not being able to is making me even worse.

AnzelmoPosted 30-12-2023 01:04 PM

That can be really difficult and draining to be in that situation @Red_Flamingo 


It can be tough to get that safe space and personal time to just be you and express your emotions in a way that you feel safe when you are stuck with your family 24/7. Crying can be a healthy way to just release all that build-up. Maybe you can go for a walk sometime and give yourself that space from them. 


Also, I'm sorry to hear that you have been feeling sad. Do you know what might be causing these emotions? 

Red_FlamingoPosted 30-12-2023 01:17 PM

It is very hard, but not too much longer. We fly off on Friday. Dad is staying until the 8th, and mum is staying until the 12th. So, there will be a lot more with them the week after. 

Yep, I wish I could have some space to myself, but it's like I'm suffocating here. Mum also keeps telling me what to do, like getting dressed and stuff. Like, I'm not a baby, and I've been doing alright on my own. 

Yeah, maybe I have an essay plan due on Onday I need to get done, and it looks like it will rain. 

I always feel sad; it's just whether it is stronger or not, which right now it is. I'm so close to tears, but I can't let them fall. It's so hard. 

If I was at uni, I would be a mess right now. Crying and thinking so many different thoughts. It just gets to a point, and I feel like I might explode. 

I'm sorry @Anzelmo 

Red_FlamingoPosted 30-12-2023 06:15 PM

Hey is anyone around to talk? I'd really like to chat to someone. I'm not feeling that great. 

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