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(TW for assault) ive been sexually assaulted and nobody knows.

i just want someone to care

WillowwwwwwwPosted 15-11-2018 06:42 PM


scared01Posted 15-11-2018 08:26 PM
hello @willowwwwww
i dont have anything to add to what the others have said but wanted to welcome you and to let you know that we care here
WillowwwwwwwPosted 17-11-2018 09:01 AM
thank you for encoragement
Esperanza67Posted 16-11-2018 11:30 AM
Hey @Willowwwwwww, just wanted to quickly check in and ask how are you going today? Here for you ❤️
WillowwwwwwwPosted 17-11-2018 09:01 AM
Thank you so much it helps so much to know someones thinking about me
Taylor-ROPosted 17-11-2018 07:07 PM

What makes you feel like nobody would care if you reported it? Going through a sexual assault is really serious and you deserve to have your voice heard. You are important and nobody should have to keep this to themselves. I can only imagine how much this has changed your life and influenced your well-being. If you don't feel ready to report right now, would you consider talking to friends or family? We also have a whole list of services that I found for you, that you could chat to so that you can feel more comfortable talking about it for the first time. The website also has information around assault and consent that could be reassuring for you to read Heart

WillowwwwwwwPosted 19-11-2018 05:59 AM

he would always say that its my fault and that I needed to "take care of it" so i guess im just worried that no one will believe me. And maybe its not important enough... and yea maybe it would be good to talk to someone but i dont think im ready to talk to family yet.

scared01Posted 19-11-2018 06:30 PM

hi @Willowwwwwww as someone who has experinence in sexual assult/abuse i can empathise with how your feeling. The person who done that to do are 'skilled' in blaming others so that it stops their victims from seeking help and they get away with it. it really does show what sort of person they are. There is no pressure to report it however we believe you and i know many others would believe you too. 

The services that Jess and Taylor have suggested i have used myself and they are good, its worth having a chat to someone. 



Jess1-ROPosted 19-11-2018 02:12 PM

Hi @Willowwwwwww,


I want you to know that we believe you and we are here to support you 100% Heart 


It is completely okay to not want to report what happened at the moment. Only do what you are comfortable with right now. Do you think that speaking to any of the services @Taylor-RO mentioned might be helpful? I would really recommend Blue Knot or 1800 RESPECT if you ever need to talk to someone- they are fantastic.


It sounds like things have been really tough right now, is there anything you are doing to look after yourself at the moment? Have you heard of self care before?


We are thinking of you today 

Taylor-ROPosted 15-11-2018 06:57 PM

Heya @Willowwwwwww, thanks for joining ReachOut and thanks for sharing that with us. It is not an easy thing to chat about, so we are glad that you have decided to speak out. I added a TW (trigger warning) to your post, just for anyone else who might be reading.


@Bee asked a really amazing question of whether you have talked to anyone about this? Also, when did this assault occur? Has it been reported? 

WillowwwwwwwPosted 17-11-2018 09:00 AM
I havent talked about it until now. its been a year, and i just dont think anyone will care if i report it
BeePosted 15-11-2018 06:48 PM
hey there @Willowwwwwww
Welcome to RO

I'm sorry to hear this
Have you been able to speak to anyone about this?

Welcome back!

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