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The land we live on

Today I think about the land we stand and live on. The land we make our money on and destroyed at the same time. The true owners of or land lived apart of nature, they were apart of the food chain but today technology distance’s us further. I say we for my dads side is mostly from png and our family had to take care of this land as it took care of them. People nowadays are too greedy and all they do is take but as my ancestors did once before you must  have balance like taking and giving back to the land. I would love to be able to live off the land for a while.

PastaPosted 20-07-2022 11:57 PM


Bre-ROPosted 21-07-2022 03:11 PM

Hey @Pasta thank you for this meaningful post. It's so important to stop and think about the land, the true owners and ancestors. It's disheartening to see how the land is treated - what helps you cope with that? living off the land would be a dream! 


I don't know if you'd be into this, but we have a thread about climate change and hope, where people can post and find positive news about the environment. We also have this article about how to cope with climate anxiety, and one of the tips is to think of ways to look after the land in your day-to-day life. 


Thanks for sharing about your culture, too. Does your dad tell you stories about png and how your ancestors cared for the land? 

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