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**Trigger Warning** Sexual Harassment??

Hey everyone,

So basically for all of this year, I've been able to put up with the people in my Diploma of Counselling course talking explicitly about sexual content. I am the only person in the entire course that is under 18 and it makes me so uncomfortable when they do this. It happens during classes, during breaks and on chat groups. 

A few examples include discussing family member's or partner's genitals and their anatomy, sharing nudes they've received with each other whilst telling me not to look, making comments fueled with sexual innuendos that I don't understand and telling me "it doesn't matter, you don't want to know", graphic details about childbirth and making really derogatory comments about sexual activities and prostitution. There is also a lot of insensitivity around AOD, mental health, multiculturalism and self-harm. 

I find it so hard to say something because there are only 2 more weeks left of the course and I'm worried people won't deal with this because it's almost over and I've left it too late and also just that I feel so intimidated by the others that they might just tell me to move away from the group or close my ears or something like that. I feel like my emotional safety is not being respected or considered.

Is this kind of behaviour considered sexual harassment?

LadyMacbeth00Posted 06-09-2017 10:55 PM


May_Posted 07-09-2017 09:32 AM

@LadyMacbeth00 It sounds like those people are being really disrespectful which is certainly not something you want from people graduating with a counselling diploma!! It is really understandable that you found it difficult to speak up about it especially as you are younger than others in the class and the environment was so intimidating. It definitely doesn't sound like an emotionally safe atmosphere 😞 You can always give 1800 RESPECT a call if you want to discuss this with someone who specialises in that area over the phone anonymously.


Is this something you feel you could bring up with a teacher in the course or the Uni/TAFE? 



LadyMacbeth00Posted 07-09-2017 01:50 PM
Hi @May_ thanks for your reply. I've emailed the course coordinator so I am waiting for her reply now. I also was in contact with KHL this morning and they weren't very helpful or supportive at all. The person pretty much excused their behaviour and said I can't really do anything about the inappropriate behaviour outside of the classroom which doesn't seem right because they are really disturbing me!!! I mean even if this isn't considered sexual harassment, can this be at least considered as bullying or age discrimination (especially when they are excluding me from conversations which are sexually explicit and sharing pornographic images)? Surely there's something that I can do about this?? I mean I am such an advocate for social justice and justice as a whole especially for others, yet where the hell is the justice I deserve?? ARRRGGGGHHHH.
Also, I thought 1800 RESPECT is only for people who've experienced sexual assault..?
May_Posted 07-09-2017 02:21 PM

@LadyMacbeth00sorry to hear about your experience with KHL - did they offer anything at all helpful? In hindsight KHL would probably have been a better phone line for me to suggest to you sorry about that! Although you can't control how other people behave, alerting the course coordinator sounds like the right thing to do in your situation - I hope they are helpful in their response. Here is a ReachOut info page about sexual harassment if you feel like reading some extra info about it 🙂

LadyMacbeth00Posted 08-09-2017 06:47 PM
Hi @May_, it's alright. I don't like calling them... I emailed the course coordinator and she was extremely supportive. She said she's going to tell the Head Teacher about it and has arranged a time for us to talk about it which is really good. Thank you all for being so helpful and supportive xx
missepPosted 14-09-2017 11:42 AM

Hi @LadyMacbeth00

I'm so glad that the course coordinator was helpful and supportive! I hope the talk goes well, please keep us updated on how it goes! 

LadyMacbeth00Posted 14-09-2017 10:12 PM
Hey everyone, thanks for checking in. The talk went ok. She said there wasn't anything they could do about it because there were only three more days left of the course. But when I told them that they were sending pornographic and sexual content over whatsapp she went into the classroom and made a very firm announcement that it was to stop. Basically it was obvious that the people doing that knew it was me and so over the past few days, I've been putting up with exclusion, silent treatment and a lot of other crap. It was the worst last day of anything today where they decided to have an end of course party at a place where I wasn't legally allowed to go. Just so glad I don't have to see these so called people again. I'm not even going to go to graduation next year...
missepPosted 16-09-2017 01:44 PM

Hi @LadyMacbeth00

I think it's really brave of you to speak to someone in the first place. 

You took the initiative to try to change the situation and I also think that's really brave. 

I guess that the bright side is that the class is over (is this right?)! 

Maybe in your next class you might meet nicer people or it might be a more comfortable situation for you! 

How have you been feeling about everything? 

May_Posted 18-09-2017 07:16 PM
@LadyMacbeth00 sorry to hear how the course has ended 😞 I agree that it was really brave of you to speak up and really important so that the staff are more aware of that type of behaviour going on for future cohorts
missepPosted 21-09-2017 01:53 PM

Hey @LadyMacbeth00!

I just wanted to say that I agree with @May_ because you were brave enough to bring it up so the staff are more aware and cautious about this type of behaviour which might help out someone in the future! 

LadyMacbeth00Posted 27-09-2017 05:05 PM
Thank you everyone for your kind words. The course has finished now. Sorry I haven't been online for a while. Things have been slowly spiralling out of control due to other reasons. Anyways, the course co-ordinator told me that some of the people actually approached a teacher to apologise for their behaviour so that was good.
missepPosted 28-09-2017 01:27 PM

Hi @LadyMacbeth00

No problem at all! We're always here to have a chat. Don't be sorry! Life gets busy sometimes! That's so good that some people apologised! 

I hope that the other things that have been troubling you will improve 😞 

May_Posted 27-09-2017 05:37 PM
Hey @LadyMacbeth00 good to hear that some students apologised! Sorry things have been out of control atm - we're here to support you or chat about things if you feel like it 🙂
letitgoPosted 16-09-2017 09:50 AM

@LadyMacbeth00 I'm so sorry you were placed in that position. Well done for speaking out and letting the course co-ordinator know.

How will you take care of yourself over the last few days of the course?

May_Posted 10-09-2017 08:24 PM
@LadyMacbeth00 so good to hear that she was really supportive - hope your meeting/talk with the head teacher goes well 🙂
missepPosted 07-09-2017 01:59 PM

Hi @LadyMacbeth00

I'm sorry to hear that you are in an uncomfortable position 😞 

I hope the course coordinator is able to help.

Otherwise do you have any other trusted supervisors or tutors that you may be able to speak to?


LadyMacbeth00Posted 07-09-2017 02:05 PM
Not really... everybody is always so busy and I just don't feel safe or comfortable here at TAFE anymore.

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