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Self-care tips for the school term
Hey guys! With the whole lockdown situation, I've noticed that my motivation has been decreasing over time. I've only recently finished my second term of uni but have noticed that my procrastination levels have increased somewhat.
So I'm making this post to gather ideas on what people do to refresh their mind and stay motivated in the situation that we are all in now.
For me personally, I find that taking walks in the late afternoon have really helped.
What are some of your tips and tricks?
I remember being given advice about motivation in terms of school, they told me "Think of it as needing to dicipline yourself rather then needing motivation" I personally found that really helps me when I don't feel like doing something specific. Other times I set myself rewards that encourage me to finnish work sooner such as "after you finnish this project go bake a cake"
Hey @Onion I don't think you're alone in feeling unmotivated! They're calling it 'lockdown fatigue' and I've been noticing it a lot in people studying in uni in particular since it's so self-driven. For me I've been doing lots of scheduling and positive reinforcement. For example, I tell myself that I'll let myself do something fun/eat something tasty if I do my work, and generally I pick only a small amount of work to do like watching a lecture or doing my tutorial questions before I get myself a (small) reward. Food works wonders I find, and even short youtube videos 🙂 but I am a snacky person!
Awesome tip that's right up my alley 😁 !! I think sometimes I'm too harsh on myself and that might unintentionally result in more procrastination!
Thank you for your reply!
@Onion absolutely, procrastination is a huge issue with people who are too hard on themselves! I guess it's like being scared of failing so much that you don't want to try at all, or that you're so committed to quality that it becomes a big trial to do anything? Have you found anything helps you with being too harsh on yourself? I think I had to get to the point of 'anything is better than nothing' but I can't say I still am not a perfectionist 😆
@StormySeas17 Ooooooh I think something along the same line as you. Often I reach a point where I think "just complete it and hand it in and even if you fail you will always have a chance to improve". I find that this helps a lot. Also since returning to uni, I've been trying to remove the presence of my phone in my surroundings. 😅
@Onion Yes! I was told that even a fail mark is marks going towards you eventually being able to pass so always try to submit something even if you think it's not worth it. And yes I'm very familiar with the phone issue. I used to delete tumblr off my phone when I had assessments when I still used it, and I've sinced moved Facebook into one of my folders on my phone that I keep all the apps I don't use since I find myself reading the comments on posts and making myself miserable. I've also started using fidget toys like dry slimes, squishies and even handheld puzzles while I watch lectures. It keeps me from going onto my phone when the content gets boring. What do you do to keep your phone away?
Ohh I have a fidget spinner! 😆 For me I found deleting YouTube and Pinterest really helped me keep my hands off my phone since I can be on these apps for hours 😅
Hi @Onion
I definitely feel you! I'm also at uni at I often find myself procrastinating. Something fun that I have recently found myself doing is using the Pomodoro timer technique. There are many versions online, but the premise is the same. It's a timer that allows for you to work with the time you have, instead of against it.
- The timer starts with 25 minutes for you to put your head down and just power through some work or task that you want to get done. Doesn't matter how much you get done, just as long as you're trying to constantly be working at it for those 25 minutes.
- Then after that, you get a 5 minutes round simply as a break. During this, you can do whatever you want as long as you get back into work on the next set of 25 minutes.
- This cycle continues with long 15 minute breaks after every few loops and has worked really well for me as it keeps me motivated, not bored, and helps me start work without worrying about procrastinating.
There are different versions online, if you just search "Pomodoro tomato timer", I usually use the second link that pops up. I suggest you look into it and give it a go!
Also, put on some nice instrumental music or lo-fi in the back while you work!
hey @Onion
I am definitely a huge procrastinator... however, I do find that when I get into the practice of meditating every morning, I am more mindful and have less random thoughts that will distract me and lead to procrastination. And yep, mindful activities such as taking a walk, drawing, journalling help as well 🙂 But also, staying away from social media for as long as possible, since I find that once i start looking at my feed, a lot of my day is gone 😞
Love this thread idea 🙂 looking forward to reading other helpful tips to stop procrastinating so much!
Thank you for your suggestions! I really get you on dangerous relationship between social media and time. 😵 For me it's mainly YouTube that can suck hours away from my day. 😬