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A piece of advice please

I am still young but I feel like I lack at something in general 

I am a social person and I can really fit in any type of event or friend group

But I feel like I lack at something, I work really hard on myself and my mental health so I can be healthy from outside and inside 

I experienced everything I though might be fun.

I recently discovered that my first boyfriend left me trauma because he chose my bestie over me. I feel like I lack something, I can't tell what is it but I feel like everyone in the end are gonna choose someone else especially on the romantic and dating game.I think I lack motivation and confidence in the dating part mostly

I would love some advice ❤️

YouliPosted 05-02-2022 07:55 AM


Jennifer-ROPosted 05-02-2022 06:09 PM

Hi @Youli


Thanks for messaging through – I am so glad that you know and can appreciate some of your good qualities such as your ability to socialise and integrate with others, and that you work hard to be healthy holistically 💙


I’m so sorry that you went through heartbreak in that way, not just by your relationship ending but also because there was another person involved. It must have been something very difficult to go through and I understand how that experience has left you feeling very unsure of yourself.


I wanted to say that you sound incredibly self-aware and the fact that you care about improving as a person already sets you on a great path, especially as you get older. Whilst there are possibilities that future relationships may end as your partners may find better compatibilities with others, you are 100% worthy of love and respect with someone who appreciates you.


That feeling of lacking something can be really hard to tackle, but it’s great that you think it may be confidence or motivation in dating. Could you describe what being confident or motivated in dating would look like for you?

YouliPosted 06-02-2022 12:58 AM

Hello thanks for responding 

I could try to explain to you my issues. I feel like I have so much love inside of me that no one deserves to be loved that much.l feel like nobody notices how much I do for them. Moreover I feel like I am an individual that people see as something less Than other girls even tho I know this is not true. My lack of confidence is based on literary nothing, but I can't help feeling this way

Sophia-ROPosted 06-02-2022 03:37 PM

Hey @Youli I am sorry to hear that you feel like nobody recognises the effort you put in. It must be upsetting at times to feel that you put more in relationships than others put in. I am glad to hear that you know it is not true that you are less than others. We are all valuable and worthwhile ❤️. Low confidence can be really hard to manage at times. Sometimes it can help by focussing on some personality traits or characteristics about ourselves that we like. For example, it sounds like you are really caring and considerate of others. Would focussing on some positive attributes be helpful?

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