Hi @Youli
Thanks for messaging through – I am so glad that you know and can appreciate some of your good qualities such as your ability to socialise and integrate with others, and that you work hard to be healthy holistically 💙
I’m so sorry that you went through heartbreak in that way, not just by your relationship ending but also because there was another person involved. It must have been something very difficult to go through and I understand how that experience has left you feeling very unsure of yourself.
I wanted to say that you sound incredibly self-aware and the fact that you care about improving as a person already sets you on a great path, especially as you get older. Whilst there are possibilities that future relationships may end as your partners may find better compatibilities with others, you are 100% worthy of love and respect with someone who appreciates you.
That feeling of lacking something can be really hard to tackle, but it’s great that you think it may be confidence or motivation in dating. Could you describe what being confident or motivated in dating would look like for you?