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Coping with anxiety and lack of motivation - (tips and chat <3 )
To be honest, I don't know if any one will involve themselves in this post, but I think it would be nice to share tips or methods with dealing with anxiety and lack of motivation for school or life (we have all been there) and I am not sure if there is a thread on this already as I just joined but I can't seem to find recent 2020 posts as much as 2017?!!?
Anyways, anxiety is something I have been dealing with since I started high school but was not diagnosed until year 9 getting counselling at headspace, I do not go to counselling anymore as my anxiety is not as bad, but I do still get anxiety sometimes depending on the situation! And with COVID19 happening and just overall in life there will be times where we lack getting up to do something that you have to do or procrastination is a big one! I for sure don't have a solution as I do it myself but I think we should help each other out talk about these topics and provide any tips, tricks or methods that have worked for you and may help someone else!
Thanks for reading this semi-long post 🙂 I hope people reply and i hope you guys are doing okay and trying your best to stay positive ❤️
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What a great thread @Starfish7! 🙂
- I have an app called Breethe and it’s got lots of meditation for different things.. it’s got calming music, stress relief/calming sessions, sleep sessions and lots of different things. I use it for sleep 🙂
- Bullet journaling! It takes so much focus and when I’m doing it, it’s like I forget about EVERYTHING which is just what I need sometimes!
- When I’m panicking or having high anxiety, I’ve just discovered that counting backwards from 100 in 3s is pretty helpful.
- Writing down what is out of my control and what I can control.
- Grounding exercises like the 5 senses or breathing slowly while tensing muscles going up the body starting with your toes!
I also found this on Pinterest for making studying easier:
I also heard of people breaking their study into like 20 minutes of pumping out as much as you can and when that’s up you get a 2 minute break, listen to your favourite song or a song or treating yourself with a bit of your favourite food. So like you’re working for something!
hope this helps?
Hey @Starfish7 @Bananatime04 awesome tips! I've finished my exams for this semester, I think the sit-down exam I had was the WORST I've ever taken. It was online and an absolute mess because they kept on changing their instructions up till the exam, amongst other things. I also have a lovely tendency to get MORE anxious after exams when I have nothing to do!
For me fighting exam anxiety is really about setting myself realistic goals for what I want to achieve in a day and giving myself plenty of time to get things done. I also find that it doesn't work to 'punish' yourself for work not done, but to motivate yourself by giving yourself rewards. There's something called intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation, intrinsic/internal motivation is always best because it's self-driven, but if it takes the promise of a piece of chocolate cake to get you to do your work then do what must be done
Another thing I think helps is to look at your achievements and not your failures. I describe my anxiety as coming from a place where I have a lack of faith in myself. In reality, I've never failed when I've really tried and have been in an okay headspace. Why do I always assume I won't be capable just because I might feel that way but the evidence points in the other direction?
Ultimately a little bit of anxiety is a good thing, it pushes us to get up and do our work. But too much is paralysing. It's hard to strike a balance, so don't beat yourself up for feeling uncomfortable with things!
And same! Something I think i did so bad on tests when though I studied my hardest and did my best but while doing the test i doubt myself and even after I feel really let down as if i failed it when really i end up doing good! Especially in year 12 this year I feel like after every test I do i doubt myself which sucks 😞 But i usually get a good result and if not you gotta focus on how to improve !
Wow @Wolfie_ @Anonymous you guys are so wise when it comes to anxiety! I love your tips Especially talking about your anxiety with other people and making your study space a happy, peaceful space to study. One thing I find really works when I'm studying is to listen to videogame or movie music. Because they music is designed to be in the background while you're focusing on something else, and usually don't have lyrics to distract you.
@Starfish7 I love your point about getting started early on my new topics! Yes I often struggle with feeling like I'm not doing anything, and then get stuck ruminating on my exams, and then doubting myself and freaking out just like you were saying Some advice I got for when you're feeling anxious but have nothing to do is to spend just an hour doing some research on something that matters to you, like jobs or volunteering or study or whatever. It gives you a bit more of a sense of control and understanding for where you're going in the future. It's also how I ended up here!
All of these techniques are amazing! Thank you for sharing @StormySeas17 @Anonymous @Bananatime04 @StormySeas17 @Wolfie_
For me, fresh air and some time outside really helps ease my anxiety.
If I'm experiencing really intense and overwhelming anxiety I place one hand on my heart and one on my tummy and focus on feeling them rise with my breath. I find when im in the midst of heightened anxiety counting breaths or doing 'box breathing exercises' is too much and I cant focus cognitively (They certainly have there place and are helpful to some). But for me personally, really focusing on my hands rising on my stomach or heart is really grounding. Focusing soley on the physical feeling. Getting out of my head.
I find my trigger for anxiety is often things that are out of my control which makes controlling and calming my anxiety quite difficult. Breathing techniques / grounding work often slow my heart rate as it escalates during a time of increased anxiety. I also just try and talk the situation through with someone who will listen - confront the issue head on that triggering my anxiety!
Lack of motivation is tricky but I couldn't agree with @StormySeas17 more, focusing on your core goals and what intrinsically motivates you. Look at the long term goals, the rewards of achieving whatever it is youre lacking motivation in and focusing on that!
Its a constant battle and something I dont think anyone ever perfects! Keep going, knowing that everyone has these battles too!
I forgot to add my tips lol so:
- Honestly, I do not do this as often as I would like but it really helps when I'm feeling slugish and unmotivated and also have been proven to help with anxiety! It is exercise ! ... I know some people will be like no thanks, but there are some fun ones like dance work outs on youtube (you do not need to go to the gym) or play your favourite songs while you do it! Even if you attempt once a week or when you really feel unmotivated it will help. It makes me feel more energise and wanting to do more even though at the start you definitely do not. Stress related hormones like cortisol is released into your body during a stressful situation preparing your body to deal with the stressor, such as increasing heart rate and inhibiting the digestive system. With anxiety disorders your body actives the fight-flight response during situations that are not even stressful! Anyways, physical exercise can lessen the effects of stress on your body, redirect your focus from the negative emotional state, and also increases the efficiency of the cardiovascular system and strength, allowing you to cope better with future stressors. I for sure need to do exercise more as the benefits are great and it just makes you feel good 🙂
-Breathing technique: Im sure you guys have heard this from councillors or others if you have been to one but for those who have not, breathing techniques help calm your body when you are feeling anxious or stressed. It will reduce the speedy heart rate your heart is going which legit makes me stressed when I'm stressed and my hear tis beating fast! There are multiple different methods of breathing techniques, the two I use is breathing in for 4 seconds and then breathing out for 4 seconds imagining a square or draw a square where you follow the line up the square for 4, along for 4, down for 4 and along back to the start for 4 (if that makes sense). You can also do it without imagining/drawing a square. The other one is where you breath in for lets say 6 and then breath out for 3 seconds (half the time). This one is a good one but usually when I'm anxious I find it hard to breath in for 6 seconds without loosing breath so I usually do the 4 second one. 🙂
-My last one for today Is to make sure you take a break when you start feeling stressed, self care is really important and sometimes you get too busy in life to think about your mental health. I follow some mental health instagram pages and of course reachout.com is a great place to find apps and people to talk to! Have some me time 🙂 I have been dying to have a bath with this bath bomb I got agessssss ago, but never got around to it 😞 Hopefully this holidays I can relax in a bath with this rainbow bathbomb and yall should to ! or if you dont like baths do something you enjoy like art.
Love you guysss even though I don't know you, I do not this there is a direct message option on this website?? I am not sure, but feel free to @ me and ask me a question but i am no psychologist (but i hope to be some day) I will listen and help with what I can. Also for the first point I learnt about this from school I am no expert you may research about exercise and health 🙂
Some other things that may help with anxiety:
- Sometimes people get anxiety out of no where, well I mean I do, and in this situation I think its a good idea to think about what might have triggered this anxiety and then think about why its okay and what can you do about it. My heart always starts racing when we are going around about to read out loud to the class and gets faster as it gets closer to my turn. In this situation I tell myself that no one is going to judge the way I talk and they do not care as much as I think they do, I am usually a pretty good speaker when reading out loud yet I still get very nervous, but when I tell myself that I can get through it and no one will judge me I feel a lot better. You can also write this down in a note book about how you are feeling, what you think may have caused it and what you can do about it 🙂
-I am not sure how this scientifically works... but sometimes when i get anxious I put my hands under the tap with warm-slightly hot water and it kind of calms me down??? Idk if anyone else does this but it has worked several times for me in the past, it calms me down and also when i have anxiety I feel sick and feel like vomiting (i dont get it as bad any more) but in the past that helped me calm down and reduce that feeling of about to vomit yuck.
Tips for motivation
-A few have mentioned this but I think it is a great one tbh! Organising your desk making it clean and tidy always helps clear your head and have a good space to study in. Also, having a clean environment/room, make sure there isnt things on the floor laying around! This always makes me feel motivated as everything looks clean, fresh and removes the busy feeling. Another thing, making your bed when you wake up omgg idk if its just me but when I do my bed when i wake up and come home from school to have a nice clean room and bed it just makes me feel organised and like i have my life together lmao I feel so satisfied. I am also veryyyyy interested in stationary so organising my stationary or getting new ones always motivate me to do my work (because i wanna use them lol).
-LISTTTTSSS, PLANNSSSS whatever you want to do but writing things down omg, my life has been getting busy and there are so many things I have to do due certain times and sometimes I forget what I have to do all the time! When you get notice about something coming up or you remember something you have to do (like applying for special considerations for unis this holidays lmao) just have a note book to write this stuff down or use the stickies notes on your laptop. Trust me it helps so much. You look at it and be like omg i forgot i need to do that lucky i wrote it down or I would of never even remembered it again. Information is constantly being given to you and you remember things and forget so for sure write it down as soon as you remember EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU WILL REMEMBER i always think that but i forget lol. Unless yall have way better memory. Also, when you sit down to do your study/homework, make a list, dot points, of the subjects, specific things within those subject you want to get done in that day. Make it realistic so you are able to finish and have that satisfaction as if you don't you might feel like you got nothing done (well thats how i feel)
I hope everyone is okay and doing their best in life and if you dont think you are think of one thing you can start doing or change that can help you be a better you and live your best life ❤️ love yousss
Omg I'm so late to the party on this one since I had the busiest week I could read your suggestions all day @Starfish7! I've also heard that a really good way to curb off anxiety and panic attacks is to put a cold pack on your neck or the back of your head? I think it's because your brain and body are linked so if your body thinks it's in a happy place then the brain will too
I've hope you've had a good week! How's holidays going?
Aww I'm sorry you haven't had much of a break... I promise it gets easier! I assume you've got exams coming up early next semester? Hopefully you can rest once they're over!
Yeah I've still been working, trying to relax even though my idea of relaxing still means doing things I did have plans but none of them have come to fruition yet... I really wanted to go on a trip to do some cave tours with a friend but the place still hasn't opened for tours so that's a bit disappointing. I'm also trying to transfer into another degree so I'm sort of twiddling my thumbs waiting for my results. I think I went well but honestly sometimes looking in hindsight at how stressed I was makes me worried that I'm imagining my success. It has been really nice meeting up with friends though! Maybe you could do some group study sessions?
Oh no! I think you mentioned that before but I'm sorry to hear the situation is getting worse Yeah it's really becoming a difficult situation. I'm up in NSW and there's been a lot of concern about travellers too- it's getting very messy! I hope you're safe where you are- do you know if your school will be moving online?