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BlurryphacedPosted 18-09-2022 03:53 PM


Iona_ROPosted 19-09-2022 01:56 PM

Hey @Blurryphaced 

I just wanted to check in and see how you're feeling today? I'm so glad you were able to share what's happening for you at the moment. And although I totally understand that you are feeling worried, I think it's really great that you're aware of what you're experiencing and that you know things like getting scales isn't something that would be best for you personally. You're doing really well at looking out for yourself even though things are worrying at the moment.

I know you had mentioned in another post that you had been struggling with your uni schedule and your eating routine, is that still part of what you're dealing with at the moment? Struggling with food is something a lot of neurodivergent people experience, myself included. This article might be a good one to have a read through. There's also some great links to more info at the bottom of the article too. Is this something you can relate to?

Taylor-ROPosted 18-09-2022 05:33 PM

Hi @Blurryphaced, thank you for sharing. I want to say that your concerns are valid, it is important to feel understood whenever you are being supported by someone else. Getting support can feel worrying especially when the outcome is unknown and having someone who is aware of your preferences can go a long way. It is really great that you are aware of what works for you and what doesn't, including how it it might impact you. GP's are there to support you and if they had any concerns, they would talk to you about it first. From what you have mentioned, you are really wanting to get on top of this but are looking for the right support to help you get there. There is nothing wrong with that!


I was wondering if you have a GP that you feel comfortable talking to this about? If not, you could ask your GP clinic or others near you, if they have any neurodiversity affirming practitioners. This might help you feel more supported throughout the process. You could also bring a support person into the appointment, if that would make you feel more comfortable 😊 What do you think? 


Just so you know, I also added a TW to your post. 

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