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Gifts of the hands, head and heart

The one thing that I tend to dread about the festive season is the gifts. It is so hard buying for everyone and it has to be just right. Like it takes me a 3 whole months to shop, because if something doesn’t scream their name to me, they aren’t getting it.


Now, this is all well and good when you have the money to spend, but what about when you don’t?


I would like to share with you all something I learnt about this year, the gifts of the hands, head and heart.


Say what?


Gifts of the hands are skills and physical talents. So perhaps you are very knowledgeable about something and would enjoy talking to other people about or teaching them how to do certain things.


Gifts of the head are things you know how to do, so things you are good at, such as craft, art, cooking, making things in general


Gifts of the heart are things you care deeply about, such as volunteering, land conservation etc.


So when I think about what kind of gifts I can give, this is what I come up with:

  • Hands – teach people how to crochet or even make croissants, basic computer lessons for someone
  • Head – I could make a variety of food, including ice-cream ^-^, I can crochet something for someone, in fact, one time my nephew asked me for a beanie, so I knitted him one and I am just about ready to give my aunt a blanket I have been crocheting for the past 4 months. Nothing says ‘love’ better than a handmade gift.
  • Heart – I volunteer my time quite a lot, especially to this rad organisation. 🙂 Just listening to someone who needs to get something off their chest.


So what are some gifts of the hands, head and heart that you can give this festive season, or any other time, for that matter?

stonepixiePosted 22-12-2015 03:45 PM


MyvoPosted 22-12-2015 08:52 PM


  • Cooking meals for friends and family
  • Moisturising hand lotion (Summer is hot and dry! :smileysad🙂
  • Hugs and high-5s!



  • Being thoughtful - whether it's remembering someone's favourite artist/band and getting them the latest album, to bringing someone a cup of tea if they're feeling a bit down. It's the little things Smiley Happy
  • A helmet for extreme sports experiences (I really don't know, peeps) like skydiving, bungee-jumping, and abseiling! 



  • Volunteering with/for the causes that you are most passionate about Heart
  • Telling people that matter to you most about how you care and appreciate them Smiley Tongue
N1ghtW1ngPosted 23-12-2015 01:55 AM
Physical contact (i.e hugs)

Creative thinking.

Gentle truths.
Physical contact (i.e hugs) (For me, that's a way of showing I care since I'm not very liberal with my hugs outside of parents/siblings.)
mimbochiPosted 22-12-2015 06:07 PM

Gifts of the hands; 

- Teaching others to cook and bake, one of my favourite things to do!

- Also teaching others healthy habits around exercise and learning to enjoy movement!


Gifts of the head;

- Well as above I suppose (oh my I'm not very good at this haha)


Gifts of the heart;

- Volunteering my time more to the community!

- Donating food and clothing to local charities. 

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