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How can I become a more interesting person with more to talk about?

I’m a bit of a shy person but even when I do have the courage and opportunity to talk to people more for instance at a party, I never know what to talk about with people cause nothing interesting ever happens to me. Or the things I would normally talk about with my sister who I’m really close with I feel are weird or stuff that normal people wouldn’t find interesting; like youtube and video games.  I’m beginning to think I’m just a boring person and that no one wants to be around. I haven’t been out with friends or to a party in so long because I have no desire to when every time I go out with them I don’t know what to talk about. I’m sure that if I did more or had more stuff going on in my life I would have more to talk about but I don’t know where to start. Either that or I just don’t click with the people i’m wanting to hang around with? 

anonymousgirl101Posted 25-08-2018 03:12 AM


LeoTheLionPosted 27-08-2018 11:09 PM

Hi @anonymousgirl101


I'm in a similar boat, not the exact same one. Just some general tips from me. In terms of meeting other people or talking to your work mates, school people etc. I tend to ask them things instead of talking about myself because I am a boring person and nothing in my life that is interesting so there's no point talking about my life. And people like talking about themselves I guess so they wouldn't mind, shifts their focus off of you and on to themselves and they'll think you're caring and considerate. 


Look, I'm a boring person too and I'm not the 'average' person in terms of interests either. But there are people out there, people who are into your interest. People who find your hobbies interesting. You just have to find them. It is harder than meeting your average joe but when you do, it's just so much easier to talk to them as they understand and share similar interests as you. And you'll actually have something to talk about! So pretty much is finding people who are similar to you because to them, you are interesting! 

missepPosted 30-08-2018 04:01 PM

Great advice ! @LeoTheLion

missepPosted 25-08-2018 08:46 PM

Hi @anonymousgirl101

You are definitely not a boring person!

I personally love youtube and video games as well! I actually struggle to speak to people when I don't know what to talk about as well. From my personal experience I have found that there are some people that you will 'click' with and the conversation will flow easily. Sometimes it's rare, but nevertheless you will find someone who you can talk to easily like this. 

I really like the resources @safari93 recommended as well! 

safari93Posted 25-08-2018 08:20 PM

Hey @anonymousgirl101! It definitely doesn't sound like you're a boring person - it seems more like you're just the kind of person who takes a little time to get to know new people. 

We have a few resources here on meeting new people and dealing with shyness if you think they might help 🙂

I'm sure there are plenty of people on the forums as well who have similar challenges to you - to be honest, I'm also someone who can be a little slow to feel comfortable around new people.

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