Hi @anonymousgirl101
I'm in a similar boat, not the exact same one. Just some general tips from me. In terms of meeting other people or talking to your work mates, school people etc. I tend to ask them things instead of talking about myself because I am a boring person and nothing in my life that is interesting so there's no point talking about my life. And people like talking about themselves I guess so they wouldn't mind, shifts their focus off of you and on to themselves and they'll think you're caring and considerate.
Look, I'm a boring person too and I'm not the 'average' person in terms of interests either. But there are people out there, people who are into your interest. People who find your hobbies interesting. You just have to find them. It is harder than meeting your average joe but when you do, it's just so much easier to talk to them as they understand and share similar interests as you. And you'll actually have something to talk about! So pretty much is finding people who are similar to you because to them, you are interesting!