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How to make advice stick?

Hey guys,


So I have heard a few people say that they often know good advice or can give others advice but they cant follow what they know to do themselves.


This resonated with me hugely, on important things and on simple things like 'I know I should floss.....but i do I still only do it 1% of the time' LOL.


Basically im interested in a discussion about:

-What advice can we give to people on reachout to help transform 'knowing what to do' into 'actually doing it' 

-If there are factors that we are not considering, common blocks? , perhaps dysfunctional beliefs? or anything you may think is realted!




TroyPosted 28-05-2015 07:01 PM


FootyFan26Posted 29-05-2015 02:01 PM

Hey @Troy,


With me I prefer to put others first and care more about others than myself.  I don't really have much motivation to help myself because I don't see the rewards instantly.  Whereas if I was to help someone else out I would be rewarded with knowing that I did something that helped them or made them happy.

TroyPosted 04-06-2015 11:10 PM

@FootyFan26 thats cool that you get motivated by helping other people. Imagine if everyone in the world was like that 😛 Its good quality!

FootyFan26Posted 05-06-2015 04:49 PM

@Troy yeah it would be a great place to live but people don't seem to care and our generation's getting worse (I'm 15).  If people cared a little more for eachother and a lot less for their screens then it could make the world a much better place.

@Birdeye did have a great point and I might try it.  The problem is I'm so hard headed that even though I know what the answer will be I still won't do it!Smiley Frustrated


TroyPosted 09-06-2015 09:18 AM

@FootyFan26 haha people certainly do love their technology

FootyFan26Posted 30-05-2015 08:15 AM

What I don't do which is something I should do is see the rewards in helping myself and the good things that can happen.  Motivation is key in helping yourself and I really don't have that much.  I try doing small things first like eating breakfast (which I don't do very often and I should do now Smiley Surprised ) which issomething everyone should do.


When I move up to doing homework that's hard.  I can tell myself all the good things that can come out of it but I see the homework in most subjects useless.  The thing that gets me is that one negative thing that ruins all the positives.


As you said @Troy with the flossing I would start by giving it a 'try'.  By try I mean doing it once.  And then 'trying' it the next day and the day after at the same time in the morning/afternoon until it kinda feels normal and it just becomes a habit.

ruenhonxPosted 30-05-2015 08:58 PM
Yeah I agree with you @FootyFan26

You definitely see the rewards with others but not yourself, and motivation is sooo hard and I think trying is always the key.

I try not to bring myself down if I don't do something as well or if that one negative ruins every other positive then I just sit in my mess and then try getting back up again. Tough!

I guess it is all a work in progress ae.
BirdeyePosted 31-05-2015 01:32 AM
One of the things I do with people to overcome the putting others before ourselves barrier is to think of what they'd do with their problem if it were someone else. For example if my father doesn't want to go to the doctor for something I'll ask him if he'd make me go for it, more often than not the answer is yes.
Having to think of yourself as someone you care about, or through the eyes of someone you care about can be a good motivator to do something.
TroyPosted 04-06-2015 11:12 PM

@Birdeye thats a really powerful question to ask "if they would make you do it". I think im going to use that one, thanks 🙂


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