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Motivation 😊

Hey ReachOut fam! 

So I was just thinking.. one of the most powerful things that gets me through a tough time is by someone’s words! For me I really hold on and quote what someone has said or words I’ve seen that I can relate to or quotes that make me wanna keep going harder than I first thought I would. Over my lifetime so far (15 years.. wow Smiley Tongue ) I have been given such great advice and just some of them have stuck with me more than others. I thought what better way for us to share these with each other! This can be through photos of quotes, GIFs or any motivational things we can come up with! Even a story of a time you were motivated or something you found motivating! We all need a bit of motivation sometimes; so if we’re feeling down or having doubts, it would be great to have somewhere to go that will lift our spirits! (Here) 

My absolute favourite little quote my teacher told me when I first started high school was:

Your attitude, not your aptitude determines your altitude. 
This means your attitude in life, not your natural abilities determines how far you will get in life and what things you are capable of doing. This has taught me so many things, the main thing being that you don’t need natural talent to be talented, you can learn as you go and become just as good or even better than what natural talent can even give if you put your mind to it! 


This quote here really reminds us of equality when we are feeling less deserving or a one exception of something! Such a powerful message! 



For me, In these words I see that no matter how big or small a problem is, you deserve help at any stage! You don’t need to sit alone if you think your problem is too small to reach out for help! Because no problem is too small 🙂 (also I’m always here to talk to anyone about ANY problem if you need a chat)




This one reassures us recovery WILL come eventually when we feel a bit of doubt Heart hang in there, you’ve got this! 

love and hugs! 
Bananatime Smiley Wink

Bananatime04Posted 30-01-2020 10:19 PM


_youngflicker_Posted 31-01-2020 10:14 PM

Hey @Bananatime04 just wanted to say that your post is so beautiful! Really love all those quotes, they definitely made me feel motivated Smiley Happy


Also, thank you for making this thread, and sharing your positivity with us. I hope many people read it and feel at least a bit better. 


One of my favourite quotes is: tumblr_pdkxbeNlml1tyk8kr_540.png


Sometimes we're so busy giving out our love to other people, that we forget to give it to ourselves. But we deserve that love too, no matter what. So if you're reading this, it's a reminder to give yourself a little love, because you deserve it Heart


Take care! 

Bananatime04Posted 31-01-2020 11:22 PM
@_youngflicker_ that is so beautiful and so true! You’re words have so much valuable meaning to them and I too hope that people find this quote of yours, a little heart lifting as I did 🥰
Thank you for including your thoughts on this thread and sharing with me and the rest of the community xx
Bananatime04Posted 01-02-2020 10:57 AM

Hey @xXLexi_Lou122Xx Smiley Very Happy thought you might need some motivation cleaning your room later! 

This one is saying that if you cut out talking to people while cleaning, the outcome can happen faster. Aka cut out all distractions!This one is saying that if you cut out talking to people while cleaning, the outcome can happen faster. Aka cut out all distractions!



Jess1-ROPosted 12-02-2020 10:02 AM

Love this thread so much @Bananatime04Heart


Related image



Bananatime04Posted 15-02-2020 11:42 AM


I know this isn’t a quote but Eddie wants you all to be happy! He’s sending lots of hugs and love from yesterday!! HeartHeart

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 01-02-2020 11:28 AM
Thank you @Bananatime04! I'm trying to get there, and have started already. Thank you for the motivation!
Bananatime04Posted 12-02-2020 08:01 AM


If this week has been hard for anyone, just think that you’re already half way through the week! Just a little more to go, then it’s the weekend ❤️❤️❤️

Bre-ROPosted 31-01-2020 03:46 PM

Aww @Bananatime04 you bring so much positivity to the forums. You're an absolute ray of sunshine. 


Thank you for making this thread Heart 


I love the "You don't have to be at your lowest to get help" picture. So true and actually such an important message to send. 

Bananatime04Posted 31-01-2020 03:54 PM
No worries!
Thank you so much @Bre-RO 🥰 feels the love!
I love that one too!
Not applicable

Andrea-ROPosted 30-01-2020 11:08 PM

I'll be logging off soon, but I just wanted to quickly jump in to say how beautiful this post is @Bananatime04! Some of the things that both you and @Anonymous are so lovely and touching. You should be really proud of making such a great post for the community! Heart Smiley Happy

Bananatime04Posted 30-01-2020 11:10 PM
Thank you so much @Andrea-RO ❤️
Goodnight 😊

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