Hey @Dyl
Thanks for sharing your feelings. It's really great of you to reach out over something that is causing you stress. I just wanted to say that it is okay to find new interests. We as humans are changing all the time and that is okay. If you are enjoying these new hobbies then that is in fact a great thing! Perhaps try to focus on the enjoyment you get out of the hobbies, rather than worrying about it being a new interest? After all, they are some pretty cool interests
. Some people struggle to find hobbies and therefore struggle with feelings of boredom, so I personally think it's fantastic that you've found things you enjoy! Also, I don't think finding new interests changes you as a person. There are many things that make up a person - their history, values, outlook on life, temperament, motivation, interests, sense of humour, upbringing, and so on and so forth. I hope you don't feel invalidated by my response - what you are going through is real. Understanding our purpose and identity in life can be hard, especially while growing up. Many things can leave us questioning ourselves.
However, I hope my response helps you view this situation slightly differently, that is, more positively, as it is absolutely OK to find and enjoy new interests
Does that help? How are you feeling today?