@lokifish amazing stuff!! I'm so glad you shared this tool, I think this can be so useful when all those negative thoughts come flooding into our brains and our brains seem to leech on rather than letting them go!
I'll go next
Situation: Comforted my friend when she was crying.
Positive qualities: Thoughtful, Gentle, Friendly.
Situation: Listened to my best friend vent about her uni rejecting her special consideration paperwork.
Positive Qualities: Patient, loyal, empathetic.
Situation: Reminded my friend to attach all the bits of the exam working out with the email to our lecturer.
Positive Qualities: Concerned, caring, supportive.
I didn't even realise I did these things until now, and how important all these things were to my friends too. Thanks for sharing @lokifish.
It would be so good to hear from some of you guys, what do you think? Do you feel like you could give it a go? Could be just one sitch if 3 is too much to ask? @Bay52VU @j95 @redhead