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help for tafe

i am going to be runnig an exhibition as a part of my work placement, does anyone have any ideas on a good theme for the exhibtion.  

i was thinking of something on thje lines of postive mental health, but i need some consultation, any thoughts would be cool 


sorry if this is against guidelines, delete if necessary. 

redheadPosted 20-06-2016 09:26 AM


redheadPosted 20-06-2016 11:18 AM
Thanks for the reply @Ben-RO

The artists are people with various disabilities.

Your idea is cool, but the space is a cafe so digital story telling wouldn't really work, but could get them to do the art work on those themes and write about it.
Ben-ROPosted 20-06-2016 11:22 AM

I am so excited for this! I wish i was able to go see the finished product! Maybe you can sneak some photos for us to see and let us know how it's going 🙂


I am trying to think of other themes that might be cool too. Hmmmmm

Ben-ROPosted 20-06-2016 10:57 AM

My first thought is, cooool!


Who's producing the works @redhead? Have you heard of Digital Storytelling? you could support people to do a paint/2D medium work that tells a story about recovery, resilience, or empowerment or something like that and then record them talking a bit about their work?


That is the first idea off the top of my head 😛 I guess it depends on who's making the works and what their skill level is, experience and the amount of time they have to make a thing.  Hmmm.

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