Our community is so diverse and this week's Wellbeing activity is about celebrating this diversity.
I recently heard someone describe a group of people as a being like a bouquet of different flowers and it made me think of us. We are young people of many different colours, genders, backgrounds and places. And we all come together to support each other and hang out. Peer support is universal.

So for this week's activity, I'd love to know more about where we all come from and what makes us unique.
Here are some questions to get us chatting:
Were you or your family members born in a country other than Australia?
Do you speak more than one language?
Have you ever moved house and how far did you move?
Do you have an interesting story about your family's heritage?
What cultural traditions do you celebrate?
Have you travelled to another country or experienced another culture?
Feel free to chat about any other things about your heritage!