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Weekly Wellbeing: Pets!

Weekly Wellbeing: Pets are life!


Pets bring so much love and joy into our lives! This week's activity is all about pets and the benefits being around animals has for wellbeing Smiley Happy



Activity time!

1. Do you have a pet? If so, share a photo here! (remember to make sure the photo still maintains your anonymity and the anonymity of others 🙂 )

2. If you don't have a pet but want one, what is your dream pet?

3. Find a gif that represents your relationship with your pet!

4. Tell us why your pet is important to you!


Jess1-ROPosted 26-03-2020 09:32 AM


xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 26-03-2020 11:35 AM


1. This is my gorgeous dog, Nala! We have the same birthday too!


2. D9684048-FF59-480D-8DAF-BEE0C4EE2A07.gif 

Nala loves to play fetch with me, because I have the strongest throwing arms to make further distance. But she’s mostly like this, because she will wait at the door with her paws on the door sill, waiting for someone to play with her or keep her company. She’s so cute!


3. Nala is important to me, because I have always needed a companion of fur. I also find that, at night, She will just sit there in her kennel or on her bed, and let me stroke her before bed. It helps me to relax after a tough or long day, and dogs are great for therapy, despite her not being very cuddly.

Tay100Posted 28-03-2020 12:04 PM

@xXLexi_Lou122Xx  omg Nala seems great! All beagles (is that what she is?) are fabulous in my opinion!

Ronan-ROPosted 26-03-2020 12:28 PM

Hey @xXLexi_Lou122Xx 


Nala is a gorgeous name.  What a beautiful doggie!

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