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Pronouns - what're yours?

Hey all,


I wanted to make a thread where everyone is welcome to share their pronouns if they'd like.


A bit of background on why pronouns are important:

- For some people, the set of pronouns that 'feels right' or 'fits' is the one that was assigned based on their birth sex.

- For other people, the set of pronouns that 'feels right' is something different. This might be because they're trans, non-binary, etc. Sometimes it even changes depending on how they experience their identity in the moment.

- Being called the wrong pronoun - also known as "being misgendered" - can be hard. It can feel upsetting, make a person feel left out or illegitimate... Even when it's not on purpose.

- By sharing pronouns, we can refer to each other in an informed way.


So I'd just like to start this off by saying that my pronouns are they/their/them or just use my username (Bay52VU).


Feel free to share (or not share - up to you!) your own 🙂

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