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Good timing for this one!


What helps you prepare yourself for a successful study session? 

Having water next to me! Tea, comfy clothers and a decluttered workspace. Plus having everything I need e.g. papers, calculators, textbooks etc. with me from the start so i'm not up and down, and breaking the concentration zone. 

Also really handy to have at least a vague idea of what/how much you want to get done that session so that you know you're on track and can cross things off your list at the end. Such a good feeling! 😄 


to do list GIF by Cartoon Hangover


What do you enjoy most about your studies at the moment?

A lot of my assessment is written atm and we choose topics that only cover part of the course. Which means that for the rest of it I can just enjoy learning the material Heart honestly so much more fun to engage with learning material that way! 


@lennycat2017 yay, so exciting! Heart 😄 congrats on nearly being done!

We had a live chat on Accessing Mental Health Support Online! 😄 Check it out here! Heart
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