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LIVE GR: The Stigma of Struggling (17th of February 7:30PM AEST)

One in five Australians aged from 16 to 85 experience a mental health issue in any given year. While support seeking is growing, with around half of people seeking treatment, we still have a long way to go.



It's hard enough trying to get through the day when we're not feeling our best. But a lot of us have had to deal with stigma too.

Anyone can perpetuate stigma. You might hear a negative comment about people who are struggling by a passerby, be told something condescending by a medical professional or your parents might be critical of you for seeking help. It's not difficult to see why stigma can be so damaging, but it is something that is so widespread in society that it can be hard to avoid.
We are often bombarded with messages about the importance of help-seeking, but sadly, many of us struggle to find support and validation. It can be a challenge to raise your voice when it feels as through the rest of the world is saying, 'Don't make a sound'.

This Wednesday, the 17th of February at 7:30pm AEST, join us for a much-needed chat about the challenges resulting from stigma, and ways that we can combat and cope with it.
See you all then!

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