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Hey @Rattata , 


I can really relate to that cycle of super late nights, especially when you're studying.. I'm also someone who would often find my 'flow' after 11pm with uni work and then find it incredibly hard to switch off. It was especially bad when I had my desk in my bedroom, because it was always literally visible and so I'd find it really hard to switch out of work mode.  One thing that helped me was making a really conscious effort to switch things up with how I studied- I would try and go to either my local library or uni library and treat that as my 'job' for the times that I'd set aside to work.  


It sounds like you're all over the sleep hygiene stuff so I won't go through that again! The only other thing I wanted to mention is whether or not you've chatted to a GP about your sleep issues? There's a few things that they can look into that can contribute to insomnia as well as possible treatments if things are really bad. 


I hope you were able to have a sleep in today - sending you lots of restful vibes. As someone who's experienced some bad bouts of insomnia in the past I really feel for you - it really does suck, and I hope that things improve for you soon.




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