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Hey justdepressed  (I would tag you but due to our new community launch there are some bugs that are being fixed) I hope you get to see this message still! 


I'm really feeling for you 😢It sounds like even though you are numb from your medication, there is still a lot of pain underneath the surface. I think a lot of people go through times where they feel that life is meaningless, like there is a lot of pain and wonder why it's all worth it. You are not alone with those feelings but I want you to know there is another side of that pain. There are reasons to live but that doesn't diminish how horrible it is to feel the way you must feel right now. 


There are some things you've mentioned here that has me quite worried about you, so I am going to send an email to you now. Keep an eye out for it and get back to me when you have the energy 💖



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