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Good morning @Lost_Space_Explorer5 ! 


It's nice to see you here, I think I might make this little cafe one of my regulars 🙂 I'm imagining some nice bookshelves as well, maybe with a few second hand books for browsing? And lots of tables where you can work for as long as you like without having to guilty buy too many coffees!


I'm having an actual coffee today, this GIF reminds me of super crazy coffee art I saw in Japan. Coffee didn't taste the best but it was super cool! latte art GIF


To answer your question - yep, I have 2 cats, they were both rescues and are both indoor only, very pampered ex-strays these days!! They were fostered together but they're not actually related. Would love to have a dog one day but we're not quite there yet. How about you? 


Hamilton, omg I don't know where to begin! @Hannah-RO  is another fellow hamfan, it's a pretty hard one to explain in a way that actually conveys what it's like- Lin Manuel Miranda wrote it, and starred in it originally. He's done a crazy range of stuff, including songs for Moana, was in Mary Poppins, and has done a bunch of kinda urban musicals where he uses all types of music (hiphop/rap/ traditional musical theatre type stuff/ pop)- Hamilton is the story of one of America's founding fathers. But all of the characters (except for one) are played by people of colour (the Australian cast is the most amazingly diverse and insanely talented group of people), the music is super contemporary and it's just v v wonderful , especially to see live. 


If you have time I'd highly recommend going on youtube and looking at some of the performances the cast has done over the years, mind blowing, and the musical really does hit pretty much every emotional note there is. 


Phillipa Soo Work GIF by Disney+


What's on the menu for you this morning @Lost_Space_Explorer5 ? Will be checking in properly later, but thought I'd pop into the cafe first


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