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Hey @MB95 , 


I'm so glad to see you're back on the forums, this will sound really lame, but catching up on posts from the last 4 days made me feel like I was seeing old friends catch up after ages - like when I finally have time to have coffee with my uni friends who I don't see nearly enough, but adore catching up with! I also watched the "friends' reunion over the weekend lol, so I'm also thinking about the pure cheesy goodness of the moment where they all saw each other for the first time, and it was like no time had passed at all. 


Season 10 Hug GIF by Friends


ANYWAY. That's enough cheese from me.. I have also sent you a little email. 


But I also wanted to ask, if you're comfortable answering, what it is about seeing the GP that has you feeling scared? I know that I've had times in the past when I felt like I didn't deserve anyone's help, that I was wasting people's time, and that there were more people out there who deserved help. 


What helped me was when a friend asked me what I would say if it was them telling me those things- and, of course, I told them that I would 1000000% think that they deserved help and support. In the end, that friend went with me to see a GP. 


Is there any way we can help to support you to find more support at the moment? I'm hearing that things are still pretty rough, and you feel like you don't deserve support. Sleep deprivation alone can be super super awful, and a caring GP can really help. We're here for you @MB95  💜


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