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Hey @MB95, I'm glad you're feeling good today! Walking can be such a nice thing to do- it can feel like an adventure or an escape sometimes 🙂 Woah! The fastest in your state! You kept that one under your hat! (I hope I used that idiom right, lol) That's so cool! I caught up on the rest of your thread (sorry I haven't been around lately) and there was a lot of heavy stuff but I'm kind of not wanting to trigger you or ask anything that would make you uncomfortable but we're here if you do want to talk about that stuff ❤️ If you wanted you could tell us whether it's okay to ask questions about stuff or whether you just need us to sit with you and listen? Idk just an idea! Cause sometimes I have a lot of questions but I know that can be really overwhelming and unhelpful for many people so I try not to! I see you've also made another thread so I will check that one out now! ❤️


Also I do have one question (lol I know I just said I won't pry) but how are you feeling that I didn't ask questions about the heavy stuff you've mentioned? Because I wouldn't want you to feel abandoned or rejected at all, or like that stuff wasn't important- so I thought I would check in around that because I know sometimes even if I want to avoid talking about certain topics it feels really rejecting when people don't bring it up? If that makes sense?


Also I love all the sloth and snail memes going around on here 😛 😅

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