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Hi @Lost_Space_Explorer5


Long time no speak! I hope you are well and I'm sorry to hear about your exam situation. I just wanted to check in about something you said - you said you don't have good reasons to be behind. I just wanted to check what your reasons for being behind you mind sharing? I'm just thinking that sometimes we can minimise what we're doing through, and I'm wondering if this may be occuring for you at the moment, and whether you may really be entilted or deserving of special consideration. Do you think your mental health struggles, or COVID, or caring for someone, could have impacted your ability to do the coursework or impact your ability to sit the exam? If so, I'd highly encourage you to consider applying for special consideration. If you can get a letter from your GP, or mental health professional, it should be sufficient. I appled for special consideration in my honours year because of some personal things that happened, and at the time I questioned whether I deserved it, and now in hingsight, hella yes I did, but it's hard to recognise it in the moment.

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