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Hey @MB95 ,


I'm so sorry that you were feeling like you were a creep, and feeling so lost, confused and angry... gosh that would be an awful feeling. 


I wanted to reassure you that pretty much everyone you know has probably done the odd sneaky google, or FB search, or instagram deep dive... because we are all curious animals. That's ok, it doesn't mean you're broken. 


Part of training as a mental health professional is around setting and maintaining professional boundaries. Those look different for every different profession/ person.. but also, it's something that is hard for everyone. You've got a really intimate relationship with a psych in some ways, and that is weird, and hard sometimes. I'm hearing how much hurt you're carrying about things that have happened with your psych and that is so, so understandable. 


Do you think that writing them a letter or email, even if you don't send it, is something you could do? 


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