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HAHAH my friend didn't know what it was either. It's when you get someone to click on a link that links you to that song "Never Gonna Give You Up" and you do it as subtly as possible so they aren't expecting it.


Lol we both going to hell I guess...


You didn't answer if you're feeling safe.... Can I ask again?


Okay so I'm left with a problem. You gotta help me out here.. I don't want to let you push me away because I appreciate how rejecting that can feel (I push people away all the time and it's kind of paradoxical how it can feel rejecting for the person who is pushing people away, but that's humans I guess!). But I also want to respect your boundaries. I know helping others can be a way of coping but it can also be a way of avoiding things.. Hmm what's the best question I can ask here? What would happen if I did push you and ask what's wrong?

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