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Hey @Pink_Kangaroo 


I am so, so incredibly sorry that this has happened. It must have all come as such a horrible shock and you must be processing so many feelings at the moment. Everything you are feeling is completely valid, you have every right to be very upset and angry.

Its awful that you don't feel like you can talk to your friends or family, is there anyone in your life that you think might be able to support you through this? Having a chat to a service like kidshelpine or eheadspace is a option as well, if you wanted to get some one-on-one counselling support 🤗

I also really understand why you're wondering how you will get through this - but I promise that you will. Humans are incredibly resilient creatures and I can already tell from the way you've spoken about this that you are in touch with your emotions and that will help you so much to heal from this. Things are so unimaginably awful right now, but you will get through this 💜

Is there anything that you think you might be able to do to distract yourself a bit from some of these horrible feelings? Sometimes things like listening to music, or going for a walk, can be so helpful in getting into a different headspace and just reminding ourselves that we're capable of feeling other feelings. But it's also very ok to cry  and feel really upset too as much as you need. I am truly, really feeling for you @Pink_Kangaroo. You do not deserve to be treated in this way and we are here for you. If you want to chat through anything, we are here to listen, please let us know if there is anything we can do, I am thinking of you 💙💙 

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