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This is such a cool game!! Also like your 4th tip around sleeping.. I might actually give it a crack! Maybe we should try it together.. haha I'm sure RO would appreciate that actually.. have us off the forums and in bed by a more humane time 😂


Okay so.. 

1. Write it (I preach this!)

2. Send/post it (such a great way to avoid having to be there for their response)

3. Draw/paint it (I can't draw a stick figure let alone an emotion lol)

4. Talk it out (totally NOT for me, but you do you)

5. Express it through song/dance (I really wish I could sing!!!) 


Alrighty, next one: 5 reasons you should study for an exam and not 'procrastinate' and find every distraction under the sun to avoid it... 


Yes @Lost_Space_Explorer5 this one's for you! 

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