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Hi @Lost_Space_Explorer5  & everyone!


I love the graphics for this thread, so cute 🤗


1. What's your favourite part of Winter?

  • I love the chilly air and the fact that I can layer up and feel comfy and cozy. 

2. What technology do you think they'll have in 500 years?

  • I think the question is what technology won't we have, honestly feels like technological advancement is going so fast it kinda scares me 🤖

3. If you were a character in fiction, who would you be and why? 

  • Hmmm, this is a tough one. I wouldn't mind being the flash so I could study in a fraction of a second and do my chores really fast 

4. What's your secret talent, party trick, or favourite joke?

  • Not sure if this counts as a party trick or talent, but people never notice that both my pinkies are curved and so when I put them up on my head they look like horns. 🐃

5. What's your favourite thing about ReachOut and/or the new update?

  • I like the fact that we have so many emojis now 😁 👨‍💻 👀 📸 🦆
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