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My family don't value my art

The title probably sounds kinda silly.


But I make a lot of art.

And I'm kinda good at it. I've sold pieces and won awards.


And since I haven't found any work places or even disability employment services that will accommodate my disability, art looks like the best way for me to get any income. 

After recovering from carpal tunnel syndrome and artist block and a serious depressive/ psychotic episode and all my materials being in storage, I've started going back into art. It's been kinda rocky but I've been managing.


So I'll be working on a piece and it'll be finished or half finished and my parents will put things on top of it and crease it, or knock it off tables or step on it or let my dog chew on and destroy it. And I'll be really upset because that took me time and effort and thought and they'll be completely unfazed and won't even apologise for destroying something I spent days on.


And like.. how am I meant to get back into art when at least 50% of my art gets destroyed before its finished? How am I meant to sell anything when the longer I work on something and the more care I put into it the more likely it is to be destroyed?

How am I meant to value my own art when no one around me treats it like art and even though they'll start screaming if a mass-produced t-shirt gets ripped they'll treat the paper I've drawn on like it's a blank piece of printer paper? And they'll destroy it without even apologising.


Should I just start charging for everything they destroy?

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