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Ahh that sounds so awful @Tiny_leaf😞 I'm sorry you're in so much pain. Is it any better today? I'm not sure if you've had the appointment yet but I mean there's the 'healthy way' you might want to deal with it and then there's what I would actually do- you probably want the first option hey 😆


So maybe like having some sort of self-care planned, a way of grounding yourself afterwards and during (you could bring something to fidget with?), remembering that this person you're seeing is human and fallable and what they say doesn't control you, having someone to take you to the appointment and support you afterwards. If you're the kind of person that needs something else to do during the day so your mind isn't still ruminating about what happened, maybe scheduling something else, or otherwise if you're the kind of person who needs to sleep or take a break after an appointment tell yourself that's okay too and let your body rest. Also I guess not getting your hopes up too much for one doctor, and keeping an open mind that things may change, and also remembering that you've gotten through every day before this and you're strong

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