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This is a great idea for a weekly wellbeing @WheresMySquishy🙂 I love that social media can promote such wholesome stuff ❤️


What are some things that you can control?

omg I just realised my psych asked me to answer stuff about what I could and couldn't control over the break whoops I guess this is the opportunity to do my hw now 😆


I can control how I respond to things, my behaviour in general, my choices, how I treat people and animals and nature, how I treat myself


As an optional bonus, share some steps that you can take to control them.

I guess the first step would be becoming aware of stuff I do kind of on autopilot and realising I do have a choice in what I do


What are some things that you can't control?

My health, my (automatic) thoughts, my (automatic) emotions, how I feel about certain things, what I like and don't like, how I look (for the most part), that I will inevitably make mistakes and that this is okay, the weather 😆, being in lockdown, not knowing or understanding a lot of things and that this is okay, if other people are healthy and safe, when loss will happen, other people's feelings


Feel free to share some strategies to help you cope with them.

Accepting things that I can't change I guess. And realising that it causes a lot of unnecessary stress and energy trying to control things I can't


Can you think of some examples of things that are both within your control and shaped by factors that you can't help?

This question is trippy 🤣 I like to think in all or nothing terms sometimes.. Hm I guess like everything is interacting in life and some things I have more control of than others. But I have the tendency to blame myself or take take responsibility for things which I can't control but there's like a grey area of things which I can do stuff to help like with my mental and physical health but there's also other factors that're out of my control with them as well


Control is a lot more complex than I realised 😮 We should do a GR on this one day! I feel there is so much I could learn!

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