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I'm sorry to hear your pain is so bad at the moment, it is so frustrating when you can't sleep because of it hey? I really feel for you. Do you find heat packs help at all? They defs don't get rid of the pain but I sometimes find them and meds to at least help alleviate it a little for me when I'm having a bad run and can't sleep or basically move lol I know you've tried a lot though so I'm sorry if this doesn't work and is one of those suggestions you are sick of hearing. 


I'm sorry you are feeling so hopeless. I don't have much to offer in that department other than, I hear ya!! If you want to talk about it though or what you're finding hardest I'm happy to listen. I guess it will just take some time to find your feet and adjust to the transition from uni? Idk. Sorry. I'm pretty useless. But I do think it's important you be kind to yourself. Are your parents able to help at all with maybe mapping out a bit of a plan? Or your psych if you're still seeing her? 

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