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@Lost_Space_Explorer5 I have to say that we're in the same spot so I'm keen to see the responses to this too! I have heard that it's very difficult to get into clinical psych so I've had it recommended to me to try to go into another endorsement. This shows the list of the 9 types 😊 I'm thinking of doing educational and developmental, but I've also done a law degree and I'm just so sick of studying too. I wonder if with your social anxiety you could do online counselling? I've also wondered about peer support and you do need to get qualified for that too, but if you don't want to do honours it might be a good alternative? Depends how much finances affect you.


It sucks that psych is one of those degrees you can't do anything with until you're qualified, so it's really up to you. I know someone who works as a receptionist at a hospital who is studying psych which I think is a good idea. I do tutoring personally which I also think is good experience for working with people. Retail is good if you find a smaller place I think, but can be stressful for anxious people! What group in society would you like to interact with maybe?

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