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Haha thanks! I've actually been digging through my university's employment and careers resources and I'm taken aback by how much they've hidden, so eyeballing all of it over this break. I can relate to the corporate office thing too. I have to be honest, I'm much more keen in working at a high school than a lawfirm, something about being stuck in an office with a bunch of lawyers and grumpy clients just doesn't sell it to me 😂 I did work at a legal clinic for placement and it just was very... not my kind of personality of people to be around if that makes sense? I'm thinking of trying again over the summer in law reform- I applied for the midsem break but now that I look back on it I would have been doing it in lockdown so maybe good I didn't get it? Yeah lockdown has made finding any sort of job suck. The only good news is that once it lifts a bit more all of the jobs should come back- that's what a lot of people I knew found.


Good on you for applying! Hopefully it's a good experience. At the end of the day if you don't get it having an interview is always a great bit of exposure. I'm sorry to hear that your parents made you feel that way. I think with jobs it really is a matter of throwing yourself out there screaming- at least that's how it feels to me! I've been in the same job for like 6 years and I need to escape but it's so scary trying to learn from rejection.


Haha don't do anything that doesn't make you at least a little keen! It definitely wasn't something I would want to do but it's always nice to see what's around

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